NeoMutt  2024-10-02-24-gaf3843
Teaching an old dog new tricks
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Config type: Email address

Config type representing an email address.

  • Backed by struct Address
  • Empty address is stored as NULL
  • Validator is passed struct Address *, which may be NULL
  • Data is freed when ConfigSet is freed
  • Implementation: CstAddress


Data Description Links
CstAddress Config type representing an Email Address


Function Description Links
address_destroy() Destroy an Address object ConfigSetType::destroy(), cfg_type_destroy
address_dup() Create a copy of an Address object
address_native_get() Get an Address object from an Address config item ConfigSetType::native_get(), cfg_type_native_get
address_native_set() Set an Address config item by Address object ConfigSetType::native_set(), cfg_type_native_set
address_new() Create an Address from a string
address_reset() Reset an Address to its initial value ConfigSetType::reset(), cfg_type_reset
address_string_get() Get an Address as a string ConfigSetType::string_get(), cfg_type_string_get
address_string_set() Set an Address by string ConfigSetType::string_set(), cfg_type_string_set
cs_subset_address() Get an Address config item by name