Autocrypt functions.
Data | Description | Links |
AutocryptDefaultBindings | Key bindings for the Autocrypt Account | |
AutocryptFunctions | All the NeoMutt functions that the Autocrypt supports | |
OpAutocrypt | Functions for the Autocrypt Account |
Function | Description | Links |
autocrypt_function_dispatcher() | Perform a Autocrypt function | function_dispatcher_t, dispatcher_api |
op_autocrypt_create_acct() | Create a new autocrypt account | autocrypt_function_t, autocrypt_function_api |
op_autocrypt_delete_acct() | Delete the current account | autocrypt_function_t, autocrypt_function_api |
op_autocrypt_toggle_active() | Toggle the current account active/inactive | autocrypt_function_t, autocrypt_function_api |
op_autocrypt_toggle_prefer() | Toggle the current account prefer-encrypt flag | autocrypt_function_t, autocrypt_function_api |
op_exit() | Exit this menu | autocrypt_function_t, autocrypt_function_api |
toggle_active() | Toggle whether an Autocrypt account is active | |
toggle_prefer_encrypt() | Toggle whether an Autocrypt account prefers encryption |