NeoMutt  2024-10-02-34-g9dd811
Teaching an old dog new tricks
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SMIME helper routines

SMIME helper routines.


Data Description Links
SmimeCommandRenderData Callbacks for Smime Command Expandos


Function Description Links
getkeys() Get the keys for a mailbox
openssl_md_to_smime_micalg() Change the algorithm names
smime_ask_for_key() Ask the user to select a key
smime_class_application_handler() Manage the MIME type "application/pgp" or "application/smime" CryptModuleSpecs::application_handler(), crypto_application_handler
smime_class_build_smime_entity() Encrypt the email body to all recipients CryptModuleSpecs::smime_build_smime_entity(), crypto_smime_build_smime_entity
smime_class_decrypt_mime() Decrypt an encrypted MIME part CryptModuleSpecs::decrypt_mime(), crypto_decrypt_mime
smime_class_find_keys() Find the keyids of the recipients of a message CryptModuleSpecs::find_keys(), crypto_find_keys
smime_class_getkeys() Get the S/MIME keys required to encrypt this email CryptModuleSpecs::smime_getkeys(), crypto_smime_getkeys
smime_class_invoke_import() Add a certificate and update index file (externally) CryptModuleSpecs::smime_invoke_import(), crypto_smime_invoke_import
smime_class_send_menu() Ask the user whether to sign and/or encrypt the email CryptModuleSpecs::send_menu(), crypto_send_menu
smime_class_sign_message() Cryptographically sign the Body of a message CryptModuleSpecs::sign_message(), crypto_sign_message
smime_class_valid_passphrase() Ensure we have a valid passphrase CryptModuleSpecs::valid_passphrase(), crypto_valid_passphrase
smime_class_verify_one() Check a signed MIME part against a signature CryptModuleSpecs::verify_one(), crypto_verify_one
smime_class_verify_sender() Does the sender match the certificate? CryptModuleSpecs::smime_verify_sender(), crypto_smime_verify_sender
smime_class_void_passphrase() Forget the cached passphrase CryptModuleSpecs::void_passphrase(), crypto_void_passphrase
smime_cleanup() Clean up smime globals
smime_command() Format an SMIME command string
smime_command_a() Smime Command: algorithm ExpandoRenderData::get_string(), expando_get_string_api
smime_command_c() Smime Command: certificate IDs ExpandoRenderData::get_string(), expando_get_string_api
smime_command_d() Smime Command: Message digest algorithm ExpandoRenderData::get_string(), expando_get_string_api
smime_command_f() Smime Command: Filename of message ExpandoRenderData::get_string(), expando_get_string_api
smime_command_i() Smime Command: Intermediate certificates ExpandoRenderData::get_string(), expando_get_string_api
smime_command_k() Smime Command: Key-pair ExpandoRenderData::get_string(), expando_get_string_api
smime_command_s() Smime Command: Filename of signature ExpandoRenderData::get_string(), expando_get_string_api
smime_copy_key() Copy an SMIME key
smime_extract_certificate() Extract an SMIME certificate from a file
smime_extract_signer_certificate() Extract the signer's certificate
smime_get_candidates() Find keys matching a string
smime_get_key_by_addr() Find an SIME key by address
smime_get_key_by_hash() Find a key by its hash
smime_get_key_by_str() Find an SMIME key by string
smime_handle_cert_email() Process an email containing certificates
smime_handle_entity() Handle type application/pkcs7-mime
smime_init() Initialise smime globals
smime_invoke() Run an SMIME command
smime_invoke_decrypt() Use SMIME to decrypt a file
smime_invoke_encrypt() Use SMIME to encrypt a file
smime_invoke_sign() Use SMIME to sign a file
smime_invoke_verify() Use SMIME to verify a file
smime_key_free() Free a list of SMIME keys
smime_parse_key() Parse an SMIME key block