Global functions.
Data | Description | Links |
GlobalFunctions | All the NeoMutt functions that the Global supports |
Function | Description | Links |
global_function_dispatcher() | Perform a Global function | function_dispatcher_t, dispatcher_api |
op_check_stats() | Calculate message statistics for all mailboxes | global_function_t, global_function_api |
op_enter_command() | Enter a neomuttrc command | global_function_t, global_function_api |
op_redraw() | Clear and redraw the screen | global_function_t, global_function_api |
op_shell_escape() | Invoke a command in a subshell | global_function_t, global_function_api |
op_show_log_messages() | Show log (and debug) messages | global_function_t, global_function_api |
op_version() | Show the NeoMutt version number | global_function_t, global_function_api |
op_what_key() | display the keycode for a key press | global_function_t, global_function_api |