NeoMutt  2024-10-02-24-gaf3843
Teaching an old dog new tricks
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Progress Bar

Display a colourful Progress Bar with text.

The Progress Bar can be used to display the progress of a Read, Write or Net operation. It may look like this:

Reading from cache 34/125 (27%)

The Progress Bar can be used in three ways, depending on what's expected.

  • Unknown amount of data
    • Call progress_new(0)
    • Call progress_update(n,-1) – records/bytes so far
  • Fixed number of records/bytes
    • Call progress_new(n) – number of records/bytes
    • Call progress_update(n,-1) – records/bytes so far
  • Percentage
    • Call progress_new(0)
    • Call progress_update(n,pc) – records/bytes so far, percentage

The frequency of screen updates can be configured. For each variable, a value of 0 means show every update.

  • $net_inc – Update after this many KB sent/received
  • $read_inc – Update after this many records read
  • $write_inc – Update after this many records written


  • $time_inc - Frequency of progress bar updates (milliseconds)
File Description
progress/progress.c Progress Bar
progress/wdata.c Progress Bar Window Data
progress/window.c Progress Bar Window