Some commonly used time and date functions.
Data | Description | Links |
Months | Months of the year (abbreviated) | |
TimeZones | Lookup table of Time Zones | |
Weekdays | Day of the week (abbreviated) |
Function | Description | Links |
add_tz_offset() | Compute and add a timezone offset to an UTC time | |
compute_tz() | Calculate the number of seconds east of UTC | |
find_tz() | Look up a timezone | |
is_leap_year_feb() | Is a given February in a leap year | |
mutt_date_add_timeout() | Safely add a timeout to a given time_t value | |
mutt_date_check_month() | Is the string a valid month name | |
mutt_date_gmtime() | Converts calendar time to a broken-down time structure expressed in UTC timezone | |
mutt_date_local_tz() | Calculate the local timezone in seconds east of UTC | |
mutt_date_localtime() | Converts calendar time to a broken-down time structure expressed in user timezone | |
mutt_date_localtime_format() | Format localtime | |
mutt_date_localtime_format_locale() | Format localtime using a given locale | |
mutt_date_make_date() | Write a date in RFC822 format to a buffer | |
mutt_date_make_imap() | Format date in IMAP style: DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS +ZZzz | |
mutt_date_make_time() | Convert struct tm to time_t | |
mutt_date_make_tls() | Format date in TLS certificate verification style | |
mutt_date_normalize_time() | Fix the contents of a struct tm | |
mutt_date_now() | Return the number of seconds since the Unix epoch | |
mutt_date_now_ms() | Return the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch | |
mutt_date_parse_date() | Parse a date string in RFC822 format | |
mutt_date_parse_imap() | Parse date of the form: DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS +ZZzz | |
mutt_date_parse_rfc5322_strict() | Parse a date string in RFC822 format | |
mutt_date_sleep_ms() | Sleep for milliseconds | |
mutt_time_now() | Set the provided time field to the current time | |
parse_small_uint() | Parse a positive integer of at most 5 digits |