Singly-linked list of strings.
Function | Description | Links |
mutt_list_clear() | Free a list, but NOT its strings | |
mutt_list_copy_tail() | Copy a list into another list | |
mutt_list_equal() | Compare two string lists | |
mutt_list_find() | Find a string in a List | |
mutt_list_free() | Free a List AND its strings | |
mutt_list_free_type() | Free a List of type | |
mutt_list_insert_after() | Insert a string after a given ListNode | |
mutt_list_insert_head() | Insert a string at the beginning of a List | |
mutt_list_insert_tail() | Append a string to the end of a List | |
mutt_list_match() | Is the string in the list (see notes) | |
mutt_list_str_split() | Split a string into a list using a separator char | |
mutt_list_write() | Write a list to a buffer |