GUI display the mailboxes in a side panel.
Options for saving attachments.
void mutt_get_parent_path(const char *path, char *buf, size_t buflen)
Find the parent of a path (or mailbox)
void remove_from_stailq(struct ListHead *head, const char *str)
Remove an item, matching a string, from a List.
void mutt_save_path(char *d, size_t dsize, const struct Address *a)
Turn an email address into a filename (for saving)
char * mutt_gecos_name(char *dest, size_t destlen, struct passwd *pw)
Lookup a user's real name in /etc/passwd.
void add_to_stailq(struct ListHead *head, const char *str)
Add a string to a list.
void buf_expand_path_regex(struct Buffer *buf, bool regex)
Create the canonical path (with regex char escaping)
int mutt_str_pretty_size(struct Buffer *buf, size_t num)
Display an abbreviated size, like 3.4K.
void mutt_sleep(short s)
Sleep for a while.
bool mutt_is_text_part(const struct Body *b)
Is this part of an email in plain text?
void buf_save_path(struct Buffer *dest, const struct Address *a)
Make a safe filename from an email address.
void buf_pretty_mailbox(struct Buffer *s)
Shorten a mailbox path using '~' or '='.
bool mutt_needs_mailcap(struct Body *b)
Does this type need a mailcap entry do display.
void mutt_pretty_mailbox(char *buf, size_t buflen)
Shorten a mailbox path using '~' or '='.
void buf_sanitize_filename(struct Buffer *buf, const char *path, short slash)
Replace unsafe characters in a filename.
void mutt_adv_mktemp(struct Buffer *buf)
Create a temporary file.
void buf_expand_path(struct Buffer *buf)
Create the canonical path.
void mutt_safe_path(struct Buffer *dest, const struct Address *a)
Make a safe filename from an email address.
int mutt_check_overwrite(const char *attname, const char *path, struct Buffer *fname, enum SaveAttach *opt, char **directory)
Ask the user if overwriting is necessary.
void mutt_encode_path(struct Buffer *buf, const char *src)
Convert a path to 'us-ascii'.
int mutt_save_confirm(const char *s, struct stat *st)
Ask the user to save.
FILE * mutt_open_read(const char *path, pid_t *thepid)
Run a command to read from.
String manipulation buffer.