struct AttachCtx * mutt_actx_new(void)
Create a new Attachment Context.
void mutt_actx_add_attach(struct AttachCtx *actx, struct AttachPtr *attach)
Add an Attachment to an Attachment Context.
void mutt_actx_ins_attach(struct AttachCtx *actx, struct AttachPtr *attach, int aidx)
Insert an Attachment into an Attachment Context at Specified Index.
void mutt_actx_add_fp(struct AttachCtx *actx, FILE *fp_new)
Save a File handle to the Attachment Context.
struct AttachPtr * mutt_aptr_new(void)
Create a new Attachment Pointer.
void mutt_actx_add_body(struct AttachCtx *actx, struct Body *b)
Add an email body to an Attachment Context.
void mutt_actx_entries_free(struct AttachCtx *actx)
Free entries in an Attachment Context.
Expando UIDs for Attachments.
void mutt_aptr_free(struct AttachPtr **ptr)
Free an Attachment Pointer.
void mutt_actx_free(struct AttachCtx **ptr)
Free an Attachment Context.
short vcount
The number of virtual attachments.
short body_len
Number of Body parts.
FILE * fp_root
Used by recvattach for updating.
short fp_max
Size of FILE array.
struct Email * email
Used by recvattach for updating.
struct AttachPtr ** idx
Array of attachments.
struct Body ** body_idx
Extra struct Body* used for decryption.
short fp_len
Number of FILE handles.
short body_max
Size of Body array.
FILE ** fp_idx
Extra FILE* used for decryption.
short idxmax
Size of attachment array.
short idxlen
Number of attachmentes.
short * v2r
Mapping from virtual to real attachment.
An email to which things will be attached.
struct Body * body
bool collapsed
Group is collapsed.
char * tree
Tree characters to display.
int num
Attachment index number.
int level
Nesting depth of attachment.
FILE * fp
Used in the recvattach menu.
bool unowned
Don't unlink on detach.
bool decrypted
Not part of message as stored in the email->body.
int parent_type
Type of parent attachment, e.g. TYPE_MULTIPART.
The envelope/body of an email.