NeoMutt  2025-01-09-146-g8c4f7e
Teaching an old dog new tricks
No Matches
List of similar things.
[detail level 12]
 Address Predicate APIPrototype for an Address Test function
 Body Cache Callback APIPrototype for a mutt_bcache_list() callback function
 Browser Function APIPrototype for a Browser Function
 Colour Parsing APIPrototype for a function to parse color config
 Auto-Completion APIAuto-Completion API
 Compression APIThe Compression API
 Config Module APIPrototype for a Config Definition Function
 Config Definition APIConfig item definition
 Config Type APIType definition for a config item
 Connection Account APIFunction to get some login credentials
 Connection APIThe Connection API
 Account Private Data APIFree the private data attached to the Account
 Command APIObservers of NT_COMMAND will be passed a Command
 Function Dispatcher APIPrototype for a Function Dispatcher
 Mailbox Private Data APIFree the private data attached to the Mailbox
 Mailbox APIThe Mailbox API
 Enter Function APIPrototype for a Enter Function
 Email Private Data APIFree the private data attached to the Email
 Mime Encoder APIPrototype for an encoding function
 Email Sorting APIPrototype for an email comparison function
 Expando Parse APICustom function to parse a format string into a Node
 Expando Render APIRender an Expando
 Expando Get Data APIDefine callback functions to get data to be formatted
 GUI: Dialog WindowsA Dialog is an interactive set of windows allowing the user to perform some task
 GUI: Message WindowsThe Message Window is a one-line interactive window at the bottom of the screen
 Window APIThe Window API
 Mime Handler APIPrototype for a function to handle MIME parts
 Header Cache Naming APIPrototype for function to compose hcache file names
 IMAP Authentication APIAuthenticate an IMAP connection
 Menu APIThe Menu API
 File Mapping APIPrototype for a text handler function for mutt_file_map_lines()
 Hash Data Free APIPrototype for Hash Destructor callback function
 Hash Generator APIPrototype for a Key hashing function
 Hash Table Compare APIPrototype for a function to compare two Hash keys
 List Data Free APIPrototype for a function to free List data
 Logging APIPrototype for a Logging Function
 Observer APIPrototype for a notification callback function
 Sorting APIPrototype for generic comparison function, compatible with qsort_r()
 Signal Handling APIPrototype for a Signal Handler function
 Crypto APIThe Crypto API
 Parse a pattern APIPrototype for a function to parse a pattern
 POP Authentication APIAuthenticate a POP connection
 POP Response Parser APIPrototype for a function to handle POP server responses
 SMTP Authentication APIAuthenticate an SMTP connection
 Key Value Store APIThe Key Value Store API