Define an Expando format string.
uint8_t ExpandoParserFlags
Flags for expando_parse(), e.g. EP_CONDITIONAL.
int node_expando_render(const struct ExpandoNode *node, const struct ExpandoRenderCallback *erc, struct Buffer *buf, int max_cols, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
Render an Expando Node - Implements ExpandoNode::render() -.
struct ExpandoNode * node_expando_parse(const char *str, const struct ExpandoDefinition *defs, ExpandoParserFlags flags, const char **parsed_until, struct ExpandoParseError *err)
Parse an Expando format string.
void node_expando_set_color(const struct ExpandoNode *node, int cid)
Set the colour for an Expando.
void node_expando_set_has_tree(const struct ExpandoNode *node, bool has_tree)
Set the has_tree flag for an Expando.
struct ExpandoNode * node_expando_new(struct ExpandoFormat *fmt, int did, int uid)
Create a new Expando ExpandoNode.
struct ExpandoNode * node_expando_parse_enclosure(const char *str, int did, int uid, char terminator, struct ExpandoFormat *fmt, const char **parsed_until, struct ExpandoParseError *err)
Parse an enclosed Expando.
struct ExpandoNode * parse_short_name(const char *str, const struct ExpandoDefinition *defs, ExpandoParserFlags flags, struct ExpandoFormat *fmt, const char **parsed_until, struct ExpandoParseError *err)
Create an expando by its short name.
struct ExpandoFormat * parse_format(const char *str, const char **parsed_until, struct ExpandoParseError *err)
Parse a format string.
Render Expandos using Data.
uint8_t MuttFormatFlags
Flags for expando_render(), e.g. MUTT_FORMAT_FORCESUBJ.
String manipulation buffer.
Definition of a format string.
int uid
Unique ID, e.g. ED_EMA_SIZE.
int did
Domain ID, e.g. ED_EMAIL.
Buffer for parsing errors.
Private data for an Expando -.
bool has_tree
Contains tree characters, used in $index_format's s.