NeoMutt  2025-01-09-146-g8c4f7e
Teaching an old dog new tricks
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address.c File Reference

Representation of an email address. More...

#include "config.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mutt/lib.h"
#include "address.h"
#include "idna2.h"
+ Include dependency graph for address.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define is_special(ch, mask)    ((ch) >= 32 && (ch) < 96 && ((mask >> ((ch) - 32)) & 1))
 Is this character special to an email address?
#define ADDRESS_SPECIAL_MASK   0x380000015c005304ULL
 AddressSpecials, for is_special()
#define USER_SPECIAL_MASK   0x280000015c001200ULL
 AddressSpecials except " ( .
#define DOMAIN_SPECIAL_MASK   0x000000015c001204ULL
 AddressSpecials except ( .
#define ROUTE_SPECIAL_MASK   0x000000015c000204ULL
 AddressSpecials except ( , .


static const char * parse_comment (const char *s, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax)
 Extract a comment (parenthesised string)
static const char * parse_quote (const char *s, char *token, size_t *tokenlen, size_t tokenmax)
 Extract a quoted string.
static const char * next_token (const char *s, char *token, size_t *tokenlen, size_t tokenmax)
 Find the next word, skipping quoted and parenthesised text.
static const char * parse_mailboxdomain (const char *s, uint64_t special_mask, char *mailbox, size_t *mailboxlen, size_t mailboxmax, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax)
 Extract part of an email address (and a comment)
static const char * parse_address (const char *s, char *token, size_t *tokenlen, size_t tokenmax, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax, struct Address *addr)
 Extract an email address.
static const char * parse_route_addr (const char *s, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax, struct Address *addr)
 Parse an email addresses.
static const char * parse_addr_spec (const char *s, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax, struct Address *addr)
 Parse an email address.
static bool add_addrspec (struct AddressList *al, const char *phrase, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax)
 Parse an email address and add an Address to a list.
struct Addressmutt_addr_new (void)
 Create a new Address.
struct Addressmutt_addr_create (const char *personal, const char *mailbox)
 Create and populate a new Address.
int mutt_addrlist_remove (struct AddressList *al, const char *mailbox)
 Remove an Address from a list.
void mutt_addr_free (struct Address **ptr)
 Free a single Address.
int mutt_addrlist_parse (struct AddressList *al, const char *s)
 Parse a list of email addresses.
int mutt_addrlist_parse2 (struct AddressList *al, const char *s)
 Parse a list of email addresses.
void mutt_addrlist_qualify (struct AddressList *al, const char *host)
 Expand local names in an Address list using a hostname.
void mutt_addr_cat (char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *value, const char *specials)
 Copy a string and wrap it in quotes if it contains special characters.
struct Addressmutt_addr_copy (const struct Address *addr)
 Copy the real address.
void mutt_addrlist_copy (struct AddressList *dst, const struct AddressList *src, bool prune)
 Copy a list of addresses into another list.
bool mutt_addr_valid_msgid (const char *msgid)
 Is this a valid Message ID?
bool mutt_addrlist_equal (const struct AddressList *ala, const struct AddressList *alb)
 Compare two Address lists for equality.
int mutt_addrlist_count_recips (const struct AddressList *al)
 Count the number of Addresses with valid recipients.
bool mutt_addr_cmp (const struct Address *a, const struct Address *b)
 Compare two e-mail addresses.
bool mutt_addrlist_search (const struct AddressList *haystack, const struct Address *needle)
 Search for an e-mail address in a list.
static bool addr_is_intl (const struct Address *a)
 Does the Address have IDN components.
static bool addr_is_local (const struct Address *a)
 Does the Address have NO IDN components.
static int addr_mbox_to_udomain (const char *mbox, char **user, char **domain)
 Split a mailbox name into user and domain.
static void addr_set_intl (struct Address *a, char *intl_mailbox)
 Mark an Address as having IDN components.
static void addr_set_local (struct Address *a, char *local_mailbox)
 Mark an Address as having NO IDN components.
const char * mutt_addr_for_display (const struct Address *a)
 Convert an Address for display purposes.
size_t mutt_addr_write (struct Buffer *buf, struct Address *addr, bool display)
 Write a single Address to a buffer.
static size_t addrlist_write (const struct AddressList *al, struct Buffer *buf, bool display, const char *header, int cols)
 Write an AddressList to a buffer, optionally perform line wrapping and display conversion.
size_t mutt_addrlist_write_wrap (const struct AddressList *al, struct Buffer *buf, const char *header)
 Write an AddressList to a buffer, perform line wrapping.
size_t mutt_addrlist_write (const struct AddressList *al, struct Buffer *buf, bool display)
 Write an Address to a buffer.
size_t mutt_addrlist_write_list (const struct AddressList *al, struct ListHead *list)
 Write Addresses to a List.
void mutt_addrlist_write_file (const struct AddressList *al, FILE *fp, const char *header)
 Wrapper for mutt_write_address()
bool mutt_addr_to_intl (struct Address *a)
 Convert an Address to Punycode.
int mutt_addrlist_to_intl (struct AddressList *al, char **err)
 Convert an Address list to Punycode.
bool mutt_addr_to_local (struct Address *a)
 Convert an Address from Punycode.
int mutt_addrlist_to_local (struct AddressList *al)
 Convert an Address list from Punycode.
void mutt_addrlist_dedupe (struct AddressList *al)
 Remove duplicate addresses.
void mutt_addrlist_remove_xrefs (const struct AddressList *a, struct AddressList *b)
 Remove cross-references.
void mutt_addrlist_clear (struct AddressList *al)
 Unlink and free all Address in an AddressList.
void mutt_addrlist_append (struct AddressList *al, struct Address *a)
 Append an Address to an AddressList.
void mutt_addrlist_prepend (struct AddressList *al, struct Address *a)
 Prepend an Address to an AddressList.
bool mutt_addr_uses_unicode (const char *str)
 Does this address use Unicode character.
bool mutt_addrlist_uses_unicode (const struct AddressList *al)
 Do any of a list of addresses use Unicode characters.


const char AddressSpecials [] = "\"(),.:;<>@[\\]"
 Characters with special meaning for email addresses.

Detailed Description

Representation of an email address.

  • Richard Russon
  • Pietro Cerutti
  • Simon Symeonidis
  • Anna Figueiredo Gomes
  • Steinar H Gunderson

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Definition in file address.c.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ is_special

#define is_special (   ch,
)     ((ch) >= 32 && (ch) < 96 && ((mask >> ((ch) - 32)) & 1))

Is this character special to an email address?

maskBitmask of characters 32-95 that are special (others are always zero)

Character bitmasks

The four bitmasks below are used for matching characters at speed, instead of using strchr(3).

To generate them, consider the value of each character, e.g. , == 44. Now set the 44th bit of a unsigned long long (presumed to be 64 bits), i.e., 1ULL << 44. Repeat for each character.

To test a character, say ( (40), we check if the 40th bit is set in the mask.

The characters we want to test, AddressSpecials, range in value between 34 and 93 (inclusive). This is too large for an integer type, so we subtract 32 to bring the values down to 2 to 61.

Definition at line 67 of file address.c.


#define ADDRESS_SPECIAL_MASK   0x380000015c005304ULL

AddressSpecials, for is_special()

Definition at line 71 of file address.c.


#define USER_SPECIAL_MASK   0x280000015c001200ULL

AddressSpecials except " ( .


Definition at line 74 of file address.c.


#define DOMAIN_SPECIAL_MASK   0x000000015c001204ULL

AddressSpecials except ( .

[ \ ]

Definition at line 77 of file address.c.


#define ROUTE_SPECIAL_MASK   0x000000015c000204ULL

AddressSpecials except ( , .

[ \ ]

Definition at line 80 of file address.c.

Function Documentation

◆ parse_comment()

static const char * parse_comment ( const char *  s,
char *  comment,
size_t *  commentlen,
size_t  commentmax 

Extract a comment (parenthesised string)

[in]sString, just after the opening parenthesis
[out]commentBuffer to store parenthesised string
[out]commentlenLength of parenthesised string
[in]commentmaxLength of buffer
Return values
ptrFirst character after parenthesised string

Definition at line 91 of file address.c.

93 int level = 1;
95 while (*s && level)
96 {
97 if (*s == '(')
98 {
99 level++;
100 }
101 else if (*s == ')')
102 {
103 if (--level == 0)
104 {
105 s++;
106 break;
107 }
108 }
109 else if (*s == '\\')
110 {
111 if (!*++s)
112 break;
113 }
114 if (*commentlen < commentmax)
115 comment[(*commentlen)++] = *s;
116 s++;
117 }
118 if (level != 0)
119 {
120 return NULL;
121 }
122 return s;
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_quote()

static const char * parse_quote ( const char *  s,
char *  token,
size_t *  tokenlen,
size_t  tokenmax 

Extract a quoted string.

[in]sString, just after the opening quote mark
[out]tokenBuffer to store quoted string
[out]tokenlenLength of quoted string
[in]tokenmaxLength of buffer
Return values
ptrFirst character after quoted string

Definition at line 134 of file address.c.

136 while (*s)
137 {
138 if (*tokenlen < tokenmax)
139 token[*tokenlen] = *s;
140 if (*s == '\\')
141 {
142 if (!*++s)
143 break;
145 if (*tokenlen < tokenmax)
146 token[*tokenlen] = *s;
147 }
148 else if (*s == '"')
149 {
150 return s + 1;
151 }
152 (*tokenlen)++;
153 s++;
154 }
155 return NULL;
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ next_token()

static const char * next_token ( const char *  s,
char *  token,
size_t *  tokenlen,
size_t  tokenmax 

Find the next word, skipping quoted and parenthesised text.

[in]sString to search
[out]tokenBuffer for the token
[out]tokenlenLength of the next token
[in]tokenmaxLength of the buffer
Return values
ptrFirst character after the next token

Definition at line 166 of file address.c.

168 if (*s == '(')
169 return parse_comment(s + 1, token, tokenlen, tokenmax);
170 if (*s == '"')
171 return parse_quote(s + 1, token, tokenlen, tokenmax);
172 if (*s && is_special(*s, ADDRESS_SPECIAL_MASK))
173 {
174 if (*tokenlen < tokenmax)
175 token[(*tokenlen)++] = *s;
176 return s + 1;
177 }
178 while (*s)
179 {
181 break;
182 if (*tokenlen < tokenmax)
183 token[(*tokenlen)++] = *s;
184 s++;
185 }
186 return s;
AddressSpecials, for is_special()
Definition: address.c:71
static const char * parse_comment(const char *s, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax)
Extract a comment (parenthesised string)
Definition: address.c:91
#define is_special(ch, mask)
Is this character special to an email address?
Definition: address.c:67
static const char * parse_quote(const char *s, char *token, size_t *tokenlen, size_t tokenmax)
Extract a quoted string.
Definition: address.c:134
static bool mutt_str_is_email_wsp(char c)
Is this a whitespace character (for an email header)
Definition: string2.h:104
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_mailboxdomain()

static const char * parse_mailboxdomain ( const char *  s,
uint64_t  special_mask,
char *  mailbox,
size_t *  mailboxlen,
size_t  mailboxmax,
char *  comment,
size_t *  commentlen,
size_t  commentmax 

Extract part of an email address (and a comment)

[in]sString to parse
[in]special_maskCharacters that are special (see is_special())
[out]mailboxBuffer for email address
[out]mailboxlenLength of saved email address
[in]mailboxmaxLength of mailbox buffer
[out]commentBuffer for comment
[out]commentlenLength of saved comment
[in]commentmaxLength of comment buffer
Return values
ptrFirst character after the email address part

This will be called twice to parse an email address, first for the mailbox name, then for the domain name. Each part can also have a comment in (). The comment can be at the start or end of the mailbox or domain.


  • ""
  • "john.doe(comment)"
  • ""

The first call will return "john.doe" with optional comment, "comment". The second call will return "" with optional comment, "comment".

Definition at line 213 of file address.c.

218 const char *ps = NULL;
220 while (*s)
221 {
223 if ((*s == '\0'))
224 return s;
226 if (is_special(*s, special_mask))
227 return s;
229 if (*s == '(')
230 {
231 if (*commentlen && (*commentlen < commentmax))
232 comment[(*commentlen)++] = ' ';
233 ps = next_token(s, comment, commentlen, commentmax);
234 }
235 else
236 {
237 ps = next_token(s, mailbox, mailboxlen, mailboxmax);
238 }
239 if (!ps)
240 return NULL;
241 s = ps;
242 }
244 return s;
static const char * next_token(const char *s, char *token, size_t *tokenlen, size_t tokenmax)
Find the next word, skipping quoted and parenthesised text.
Definition: address.c:166
char * mutt_str_skip_email_wsp(const char *s)
Skip over whitespace as defined by RFC5322.
Definition: string.c:609
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_address()

static const char * parse_address ( const char *  s,
char *  token,
size_t *  tokenlen,
size_t  tokenmax,
char *  comment,
size_t *  commentlen,
size_t  commentmax,
struct Address addr 

Extract an email address.

[in]sString, just after the opening <
[out]tokenBuffer for the email address
[out]tokenlenLength of the email address
[in]tokenmaxLength of the email address buffer
[out]commentBuffer for any comments
[out]commentlenLength of any comments
[in]commentmaxLength of the comment buffer
[in]addrAddress to store the results
Return values
ptrThe closing > of the email address

Definition at line 260 of file address.c.

264 s = parse_mailboxdomain(s, USER_SPECIAL_MASK, token, tokenlen, tokenmax,
265 comment, commentlen, commentmax);
266 if (!s)
267 return NULL;
269 if (*s == '@')
270 {
271 if (*tokenlen < tokenmax)
272 token[(*tokenlen)++] = '@';
273 s = parse_mailboxdomain(s + 1, DOMAIN_SPECIAL_MASK, token, tokenlen,
274 tokenmax, comment, commentlen, commentmax);
275 if (!s)
276 return NULL;
277 }
279 terminate_string(token, *tokenlen, tokenmax);
280 addr->mailbox = buf_new(token);
282 if (*commentlen && !addr->personal)
283 {
284 terminate_string(comment, *commentlen, commentmax);
285 addr->personal = buf_new(comment);
286 }
288 return s;
static const char * parse_mailboxdomain(const char *s, uint64_t special_mask, char *mailbox, size_t *mailboxlen, size_t mailboxmax, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax)
Extract part of an email address (and a comment)
Definition: address.c:213
AddressSpecials except " ( .
Definition: address.c:74
AddressSpecials except ( .
Definition: address.c:77
struct Buffer * buf_new(const char *str)
Allocate a new Buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:304
#define terminate_string(str, strlen, buflen)
Definition: string2.h:49
struct Buffer * personal
Real name of address.
Definition: address.h:37
struct Buffer * mailbox
Mailbox and host address.
Definition: address.h:38
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_route_addr()

static const char * parse_route_addr ( const char *  s,
char *  comment,
size_t *  commentlen,
size_t  commentmax,
struct Address addr 

Parse an email addresses.

[in]sString, just after the opening <
[out]commentBuffer for any comments
[out]commentlenLength of any comments
[in]commentmaxLength of the comments buffer
[in]addrAddress to store the details
Return values
ptrFirst character after the email address

Definition at line 300 of file address.c.

303 char token[1024] = { 0 };
304 size_t tokenlen = 0;
308 /* find the end of the route */
309 if (*s == '@')
310 {
311 while (s && (*s == '@'))
312 {
313 if (tokenlen < (sizeof(token) - 1))
314 token[tokenlen++] = '@';
315 s = parse_mailboxdomain(s + 1, ROUTE_SPECIAL_MASK, token, &tokenlen,
316 sizeof(token) - 1, comment, commentlen, commentmax);
317 }
318 if (!s || (*s != ':'))
319 {
320 return NULL; /* invalid route */
321 }
323 if (tokenlen < (sizeof(token) - 1))
324 token[tokenlen++] = ':';
325 s++;
326 }
328 s = parse_address(s, token, &tokenlen, sizeof(token) - 1, comment, commentlen,
329 commentmax, addr);
330 if (!s)
331 return NULL;
333 if (*s != '>')
334 {
335 return NULL;
336 }
338 if (!addr->mailbox)
339 {
340 addr->mailbox = buf_new("@");
341 }
343 s++;
344 return s;
static const char * parse_address(const char *s, char *token, size_t *tokenlen, size_t tokenmax, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax, struct Address *addr)
Extract an email address.
Definition: address.c:260
AddressSpecials except ( , .
Definition: address.c:80
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_addr_spec()

static const char * parse_addr_spec ( const char *  s,
char *  comment,
size_t *  commentlen,
size_t  commentmax,
struct Address addr 

Parse an email address.

[in]sString to parse
[out]commentBuffer for any comments
[out]commentlenLength of any comments
[in]commentmaxLength of the comments buffer
[in]addrAddress to fill in
Return values
ptrFirst character after the email address

Definition at line 356 of file address.c.

359 char token[1024] = { 0 };
360 size_t tokenlen = 0;
362 s = parse_address(s, token, &tokenlen, sizeof(token) - 1, comment, commentlen,
363 commentmax, addr);
364 if (s && *s && (*s != ',') && (*s != ';'))
365 {
366 return NULL;
367 }
368 return s;
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_addrspec()

static bool add_addrspec ( struct AddressList *  al,
const char *  phrase,
char *  comment,
size_t *  commentlen,
size_t  commentmax 

Parse an email address and add an Address to a list.

[out]alAddress list
[in]phraseString to parse
[out]commentBuffer for any comments
[out]commentlenLength of any comments
[in]commentmaxLength of the comments buffer
Return values
trueAn address was successfully parsed and added

Definition at line 380 of file address.c.

383 struct Address *cur = mutt_addr_new();
385 if (!parse_addr_spec(phrase, comment, commentlen, commentmax, cur))
386 {
387 mutt_addr_free(&cur);
388 return false;
389 }
391 mutt_addrlist_append(al, cur);
392 return true;
static const char * parse_addr_spec(const char *s, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax, struct Address *addr)
Parse an email address.
Definition: address.c:356
void mutt_addr_free(struct Address **ptr)
Free a single Address.
Definition: address.c:462
void mutt_addrlist_append(struct AddressList *al, struct Address *a)
Append an Address to an AddressList.
Definition: address.c:1480
struct Address * mutt_addr_new(void)
Create a new Address.
Definition: address.c:401
An email address.
Definition: address.h:36
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_new()

struct Address * mutt_addr_new ( void  )

Create a new Address.

Return values
ptrNewly allocated Address

Free the result with mutt_addr_free()

Definition at line 401 of file address.c.

403 return MUTT_MEM_CALLOC(1, struct Address);
#define MUTT_MEM_CALLOC(n, type)
Definition: memory.h:40
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_create()

struct Address * mutt_addr_create ( const char *  personal,
const char *  mailbox 

Create and populate a new Address.

[in]personalThe personal name for the Address (can be NULL)
[in]mailboxThe mailbox for the Address (can be NULL)
Return values
ptrNewly allocated Address
The personal and mailbox values, if not NULL, are going to be copied into the newly allocated Address.

Definition at line 414 of file address.c.

416 struct Address *a = mutt_addr_new();
417 if (personal)
418 {
420 }
421 if (mailbox)
422 {
423 a->mailbox = buf_new(mailbox);
424 }
425 return a;
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_remove()

int mutt_addrlist_remove ( struct AddressList *  al,
const char *  mailbox 

Remove an Address from a list.

[in]mailboxEmail address to match
Return values
-1Error, or email not found

Definition at line 435 of file address.c.

437 if (!al)
438 return -1;
440 if (!mailbox)
441 return 0;
443 int rc = -1;
444 struct Address *a = NULL, *tmp = NULL;
445 TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(a, al, entries, tmp)
446 {
448 {
449 TAILQ_REMOVE(al, a, entries);
450 mutt_addr_free(&a);
451 rc = 0;
452 }
453 }
455 return rc;
static const char * buf_string(const struct Buffer *buf)
Convert a buffer to a const char * "string".
Definition: buffer.h:96
bool mutt_istr_equal(const char *a, const char *b)
Compare two strings, ignoring case.
Definition: string.c:673
#define TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(var, head, field, tvar)
Definition: queue.h:792
#define TAILQ_REMOVE(head, elm, field)
Definition: queue.h:901
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_free()

void mutt_addr_free ( struct Address **  ptr)

Free a single Address.

[out]ptrAddress to free

Definition at line 462 of file address.c.

464 if (!ptr || !*ptr)
465 return;
467 struct Address *a = *ptr;
469 buf_free(&a->personal);
470 buf_free(&a->mailbox);
471 FREE(ptr);
void buf_free(struct Buffer **ptr)
Deallocates a buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:319
#define FREE(x)
Definition: memory.h:55
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_parse()

int mutt_addrlist_parse ( struct AddressList *  al,
const char *  s 

Parse a list of email addresses.

alAddressList to append addresses
sString to parse
Return values
numNumber of parsed addresses

Definition at line 480 of file address.c.

482 if (!s)
483 return 0;
485 int parsed = 0;
486 char comment[1024] = { 0 };
487 char phrase[1024] = { 0 };
488 size_t phraselen = 0, commentlen = 0;
490 bool ws_pending = mutt_str_is_email_wsp(*s);
493 while (*s)
494 {
495 switch (*s)
496 {
497 case ';':
498 case ',':
499 if (phraselen != 0)
500 {
501 terminate_buffer(phrase, phraselen);
502 if (add_addrspec(al, phrase, comment, &commentlen, sizeof(comment) - 1))
503 {
504 parsed++;
505 }
506 }
507 else if (commentlen != 0)
508 {
509 struct Address *last = TAILQ_LAST(al, AddressList);
510 if (last && !last->personal && !buf_is_empty(last->mailbox))
511 {
512 terminate_buffer(comment, commentlen);
513 last->personal = buf_new(comment);
514 }
515 }
517 if (*s == ';')
518 {
519 /* add group terminator */
521 }
523 phraselen = 0;
524 commentlen = 0;
525 s++;
526 break;
528 case '(':
529 if ((commentlen != 0) && (commentlen < (sizeof(comment) - 1)))
530 comment[commentlen++] = ' ';
531 s = next_token(s, comment, &commentlen, sizeof(comment) - 1);
532 if (!s)
533 {
535 return 0;
536 }
537 break;
539 case '"':
540 if ((phraselen != 0) && (phraselen < (sizeof(phrase) - 1)))
541 phrase[phraselen++] = ' ';
542 s = parse_quote(s + 1, phrase, &phraselen, sizeof(phrase) - 1);
543 if (!s)
544 {
546 return 0;
547 }
548 break;
550 case ':':
551 {
552 struct Address *a = mutt_addr_new();
553 terminate_buffer(phrase, phraselen);
554 if (phraselen != 0)
555 {
556 a->mailbox = buf_new(phrase);
557 }
558 a->group = true;
560 phraselen = 0;
561 commentlen = 0;
562 s++;
563 break;
564 }
566 case '<':
567 {
568 struct Address *a = mutt_addr_new();
569 terminate_buffer(phrase, phraselen);
570 if (phraselen != 0)
571 {
572 a->personal = buf_new(phrase);
573 }
574 s = parse_route_addr(s + 1, comment, &commentlen, sizeof(comment) - 1, a);
575 if (!s)
576 {
578 mutt_addr_free(&a);
579 return 0;
580 }
582 phraselen = 0;
583 commentlen = 0;
584 parsed++;
585 break;
586 }
588 default:
589 if ((phraselen != 0) && (phraselen < (sizeof(phrase) - 1)) && ws_pending)
590 phrase[phraselen++] = ' ';
591 if (*s == '\\')
592 {
593 s++;
594 if (*s && (phraselen < (sizeof(phrase) - 1)))
595 {
596 phrase[phraselen++] = *s;
597 s++;
598 }
599 }
600 s = next_token(s, phrase, &phraselen, sizeof(phrase) - 1);
601 if (!s)
602 {
604 return 0;
605 }
606 break;
607 } // switch (*s)
609 ws_pending = mutt_str_is_email_wsp(*s);
611 } // while (*s)
613 if (phraselen != 0)
614 {
615 terminate_buffer(phrase, phraselen);
616 terminate_buffer(comment, commentlen);
617 if (add_addrspec(al, phrase, comment, &commentlen, sizeof(comment) - 1))
618 {
619 parsed++;
620 }
621 }
622 else if (commentlen != 0)
623 {
624 struct Address *last = TAILQ_LAST(al, AddressList);
625 if (last && buf_is_empty(last->personal) && !buf_is_empty(last->mailbox))
626 {
627 terminate_buffer(comment, commentlen);
628 buf_strcpy(last->personal, comment);
629 }
630 }
632 return parsed;
static bool add_addrspec(struct AddressList *al, const char *phrase, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax)
Parse an email address and add an Address to a list.
Definition: address.c:380
static const char * parse_route_addr(const char *s, char *comment, size_t *commentlen, size_t commentmax, struct Address *addr)
Parse an email addresses.
Definition: address.c:300
void mutt_addrlist_clear(struct AddressList *al)
Unlink and free all Address in an AddressList.
Definition: address.c:1460
bool buf_is_empty(const struct Buffer *buf)
Is the Buffer empty?
Definition: buffer.c:291
size_t buf_strcpy(struct Buffer *buf, const char *s)
Copy a string into a Buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:395
#define TAILQ_LAST(head, headname)
Definition: queue.h:876
#define terminate_buffer(str, strlen)
Definition: string2.h:52
bool group
Group mailbox?
Definition: address.h:39
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_parse2()

int mutt_addrlist_parse2 ( struct AddressList *  al,
const char *  s 

Parse a list of email addresses.

alAdd to this List of Addresses
sString to parse
Return values
numNumber of parsed addresses

Simple email addresses (without any personal name or grouping) can be separated by whitespace or commas.

Definition at line 644 of file address.c.

646 if (!s || (*s == '\0'))
647 return 0;
649 int parsed = 0;
651 /* check for a simple whitespace separated list of addresses */
652 if (!strpbrk(s, "\"<>():;,\\"))
653 {
654 char *copy = mutt_str_dup(s);
655 char *r = copy;
656 while ((r = strtok(r, " \t")))
657 {
658 parsed += mutt_addrlist_parse(al, r);
659 r = NULL;
660 }
661 FREE(&copy);
662 }
663 else
664 {
665 parsed = mutt_addrlist_parse(al, s);
666 }
668 return parsed;
int mutt_addrlist_parse(struct AddressList *al, const char *s)
Parse a list of email addresses.
Definition: address.c:480
char * mutt_str_dup(const char *str)
Copy a string, safely.
Definition: string.c:254
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_qualify()

void mutt_addrlist_qualify ( struct AddressList *  al,
const char *  host 

Expand local names in an Address list using a hostname.

alAddress list

Any addresses containing a bare name will be expanded using the hostname. e.g. "john", "" -> ''. This function has no effect if host is NULL or the empty string.

Definition at line 680 of file address.c.

682 if (!al || !host || (*host == '\0'))
683 return;
685 struct Address *a = NULL;
686 TAILQ_FOREACH(a, al, entries)
687 {
688 if (!a->group && a->mailbox && !buf_find_char(a->mailbox, '@'))
689 {
690 buf_add_printf(a->mailbox, "@%s", host);
691 }
692 }
int buf_add_printf(struct Buffer *buf, const char *fmt,...)
Format a string appending a Buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:204
const char * buf_find_char(const struct Buffer *buf, const char c)
Return a pointer to a char found in the buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:653
#define TAILQ_FOREACH(var, head, field)
Definition: queue.h:782
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_cat()

void mutt_addr_cat ( char *  buf,
size_t  buflen,
const char *  value,
const char *  specials 

Copy a string and wrap it in quotes if it contains special characters.

bufBuffer for the result
buflenLength of the result buffer
valueString to copy
specialsCharacters to lookup

This function copies the string in the "value" parameter in the buffer pointed to by "buf" parameter. If the input string contains any of the characters specified in the "specials" parameters, the output string is wrapped in double quoted. Additionally, any backslashes or quotes inside the input string are backslash-escaped.

Definition at line 708 of file address.c.

710 if (!buf || !value || !specials)
711 return;
713 if (strpbrk(value, specials))
714 {
715 char tmp[256] = { 0 };
716 char *pc = tmp;
717 size_t tmplen = sizeof(tmp) - 3;
719 *pc++ = '"';
720 for (; *value && (tmplen > 1); value++)
721 {
722 if ((*value == '\\') || (*value == '"'))
723 {
724 *pc++ = '\\';
725 tmplen--;
726 }
727 *pc++ = *value;
728 tmplen--;
729 }
730 *pc++ = '"';
731 *pc = '\0';
732 mutt_str_copy(buf, tmp, buflen);
733 }
734 else
735 {
736 mutt_str_copy(buf, value, buflen);
737 }
size_t mutt_str_copy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t dsize)
Copy a string into a buffer (guaranteeing NUL-termination)
Definition: string.c:582
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_copy()

struct Address * mutt_addr_copy ( const struct Address addr)

Copy the real address.

addrAddress to copy
Return values
ptrNew Address

Definition at line 745 of file address.c.

747 if (!addr)
748 return NULL;
750 struct Address *p = mutt_addr_new();
751 p->personal = buf_dup(addr->personal);
752 p->mailbox = buf_dup(addr->mailbox);
753 p->group = addr->group;
754 p->is_intl = addr->is_intl;
755 p->intl_checked = addr->intl_checked;
756 return p;
struct Buffer * buf_dup(const struct Buffer *buf)
Copy a Buffer into a new allocated buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:586
bool intl_checked
Checked for IDN?
Definition: address.h:41
bool is_intl
International Domain Name.
Definition: address.h:40
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_copy()

void mutt_addrlist_copy ( struct AddressList *  dst,
const struct AddressList *  src,
bool  prune 

Copy a list of addresses into another list.

dstDestination Address list
srcSource Address list
pruneSkip groups if there are more addresses

Definition at line 765 of file address.c.

767 if (!dst || !src)
768 return;
770 struct Address *a = NULL;
771 TAILQ_FOREACH(a, src, entries)
772 {
773 struct Address *next = TAILQ_NEXT(a, entries);
774 if (prune && a->group && (!next || !next->mailbox))
775 {
776 /* ignore this element of the list */
777 }
778 else
779 {
781 }
782 }
struct Address * mutt_addr_copy(const struct Address *addr)
Copy the real address.
Definition: address.c:745
#define TAILQ_NEXT(elm, field)
Definition: queue.h:889
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_valid_msgid()

bool mutt_addr_valid_msgid ( const char *  msgid)

Is this a valid Message ID?

msgidMessage ID
Return values
trueIt is a valid message ID

Incomplete. Only used to thwart the APOP MD5 attack

Definition at line 792 of file address.c.

794 /* msg-id = "<" addr-spec ">"
795 * addr-spec = local-part "@" domain
796 * local-part = word *("." word)
797 * word = atom / quoted-string
798 * atom = 1*<any CHAR except specials, SPACE and CTLs>
799 * CHAR = ( 0.-127. )
800 * specials = "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@"
801 * / "," / ";" / ":" / "\" / <">
802 * / "." / "[" / "]"
803 * SPACE = ( 32. )
804 * CTLS = ( 0.-31., 127.)
805 * quoted-string = <"> *(qtext/quoted-pair) <">
806 * qtext = <any CHAR except <">, "\" and CR>
807 * CR = ( 13. )
808 * quoted-pair = "\" CHAR
809 * domain = sub-domain *("." sub-domain)
810 * sub-domain = domain-ref / domain-literal
811 * domain-ref = atom
812 * domain-literal = "[" *(dtext / quoted-pair) "]"
813 */
815 if (!msgid || (*msgid == '\0'))
816 return false;
818 size_t l = mutt_str_len(msgid);
819 if (l < 5) /* <atom@atom> */
820 return false;
821 if ((msgid[0] != '<') || (msgid[l - 1] != '>'))
822 return false;
823 if (!(strrchr(msgid, '@')))
824 return false;
826 /* TODO: complete parser */
827 for (size_t i = 0; i < l; i++)
828 if ((unsigned char) msgid[i] > 127)
829 return false;
831 return true;
size_t mutt_str_len(const char *a)
Calculate the length of a string, safely.
Definition: string.c:497
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_equal()

bool mutt_addrlist_equal ( const struct AddressList *  ala,
const struct AddressList *  alb 

Compare two Address lists for equality.

alaFirst Address
albSecond Address
Return values
trueAddress lists are strictly identical

Definition at line 840 of file address.c.

842 if (!ala || !alb)
843 {
844 return !(ala || alb);
845 }
847 struct Address *ana = TAILQ_FIRST(ala);
848 struct Address *anb = TAILQ_FIRST(alb);
850 while (ana && anb)
851 {
852 if (!buf_str_equal(ana->mailbox, anb->mailbox) ||
853 !buf_str_equal(ana->personal, anb->personal))
854 {
855 break;
856 }
858 ana = TAILQ_NEXT(ana, entries);
859 anb = TAILQ_NEXT(anb, entries);
860 }
862 return !(ana || anb);
bool buf_str_equal(const struct Buffer *a, const struct Buffer *b)
Return if two buffers are equal.
Definition: buffer.c:683
#define TAILQ_FIRST(head)
Definition: queue.h:780
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_count_recips()

int mutt_addrlist_count_recips ( const struct AddressList *  al)

Count the number of Addresses with valid recipients.

alAddress list
Return values
numNumber of valid Addresses

An Address has a recipient if the mailbox is set and is not a group

Definition at line 872 of file address.c.

874 if (!al)
875 return 0;
877 int c = 0;
878 struct Address *a = NULL;
879 TAILQ_FOREACH(a, al, entries)
880 {
881 c += (a->mailbox && !a->group);
882 }
883 return c;
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_cmp()

bool mutt_addr_cmp ( const struct Address a,
const struct Address b 

Compare two e-mail addresses.

aAddress 1
bAddress 2
Return values
trueThey are equivalent

Definition at line 892 of file address.c.

894 if (!a || !b)
895 return false;
896 if (!a->mailbox || !b->mailbox)
897 return false;
898 if (!buf_istr_equal(a->mailbox, b->mailbox))
899 return false;
900 return true;
bool buf_istr_equal(const struct Buffer *a, const struct Buffer *b)
Return if two buffers are equal, case insensitive.
Definition: buffer.c:695
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_search()

bool mutt_addrlist_search ( const struct AddressList *  haystack,
const struct Address needle 

Search for an e-mail address in a list.

haystackAddress List
needleAddress containing the search email
Return values
trueThe Address is in the list

Definition at line 909 of file address.c.

911 if (!needle || !haystack)
912 return false;
914 struct Address *a = NULL;
915 TAILQ_FOREACH(a, haystack, entries)
916 {
917 if (mutt_addr_cmp(needle, a))
918 return true;
919 }
920 return false;
bool mutt_addr_cmp(const struct Address *a, const struct Address *b)
Compare two e-mail addresses.
Definition: address.c:892
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addr_is_intl()

static bool addr_is_intl ( const struct Address a)

Does the Address have IDN components.

aAddress to check
Return values
trueAddress contains IDN components

Definition at line 928 of file address.c.

930 if (!a)
931 return false;
932 return a->intl_checked && a->is_intl;
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addr_is_local()

static bool addr_is_local ( const struct Address a)

Does the Address have NO IDN components.

aAddress to check
Return values
trueAddress contains NO IDN components

Definition at line 940 of file address.c.

942 if (!a)
943 return false;
944 return a->intl_checked && !a->is_intl;
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addr_mbox_to_udomain()

static int addr_mbox_to_udomain ( const char *  mbox,
char **  user,
char **  domain 

Split a mailbox name into user and domain.

[in]mboxMailbox name to split
Return values
The caller must free user and domain

Definition at line 957 of file address.c.

959 if (!mbox || !user || !domain)
960 return -1;
962 char *ptr = strchr(mbox, '@');
964 /* Fail if '@' is missing, at the start, or at the end */
965 if (!ptr || (ptr == mbox) || (ptr[1] == '\0'))
966 return -1;
968 *user = mutt_strn_dup(mbox, ptr - mbox);
969 *domain = mutt_str_dup(ptr + 1);
971 return 0;
char * mutt_strn_dup(const char *begin, size_t len)
Duplicate a sub-string.
Definition: string.c:381
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addr_set_intl()

static void addr_set_intl ( struct Address a,
char *  intl_mailbox 

Mark an Address as having IDN components.

aAddress to modify
intl_mailboxEmail address with IDN components

Definition at line 979 of file address.c.

981 if (!a)
982 return;
984 buf_strcpy(a->mailbox, intl_mailbox);
985 a->intl_checked = true;
986 a->is_intl = true;
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addr_set_local()

static void addr_set_local ( struct Address a,
char *  local_mailbox 

Mark an Address as having NO IDN components.

local_mailboxEmail address with NO IDN components

Definition at line 994 of file address.c.

996 if (!a)
997 return;
999 buf_strcpy(a->mailbox, local_mailbox);
1000 a->intl_checked = true;
1001 a->is_intl = false;
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_for_display()

const char * mutt_addr_for_display ( const struct Address a)

Convert an Address for display purposes.

aAddress to convert
Return values
ptrAddress to display
This function may return a static pointer. It must not be freed by the caller. Later calls may overwrite the returned pointer.

Definition at line 1012 of file address.c.

1014 if (!a)
1015 return NULL;
1017 char *user = NULL, *domain = NULL;
1018 static char *buf = NULL;
1020 if (!a->mailbox || addr_is_local(a))
1021 return buf_string(a->mailbox);
1023 if (addr_mbox_to_udomain(buf_string(a->mailbox), &user, &domain) == -1)
1024 return buf_string(a->mailbox);
1026 char *local_mailbox = mutt_idna_intl_to_local(user, domain, MI_MAY_BE_IRREVERSIBLE);
1028 FREE(&user);
1029 FREE(&domain);
1031 if (!local_mailbox)
1032 return buf_string(a->mailbox);
1034 mutt_str_replace(&buf, local_mailbox);
1035 FREE(&local_mailbox);
1037 return buf;
static int addr_mbox_to_udomain(const char *mbox, char **user, char **domain)
Split a mailbox name into user and domain.
Definition: address.c:957
static bool addr_is_local(const struct Address *a)
Does the Address have NO IDN components.
Definition: address.c:940
Definition: idna2.h:30
char * mutt_idna_intl_to_local(const char *user, const char *domain, uint8_t flags)
Convert an email's domain from Punycode.
Definition: idna.c:117
char * mutt_str_replace(char **p, const char *s)
Replace one string with another.
Definition: string.c:281
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_write()

size_t mutt_addr_write ( struct Buffer buf,
struct Address addr,
bool  display 

Write a single Address to a buffer.

bufBuffer for the Address
addrAddress to display
displayThis address will be displayed to the user
Return values
numLength of the string written to buf

If 'display' is set, then it doesn't matter if the transformation isn't reversible.

Definition at line 1050 of file address.c.

1052 if (!buf || !addr || (!addr->personal && !addr->mailbox))
1053 {
1054 return 0;
1055 }
1057 const size_t initial_len = buf_len(buf);
1059 if (addr->personal)
1060 {
1061 if (strpbrk(buf_string(addr->personal), AddressSpecials))
1062 {
1063 buf_addch(buf, '"');
1064 for (const char *pc = buf_string(addr->personal); *pc; pc++)
1065 {
1066 if ((*pc == '"') || (*pc == '\\'))
1067 {
1068 buf_addch(buf, '\\');
1069 }
1070 buf_addch(buf, *pc);
1071 }
1072 buf_addch(buf, '"');
1073 }
1074 else
1075 {
1076 buf_addstr(buf, buf_string(addr->personal));
1077 }
1079 buf_addch(buf, ' ');
1080 }
1082 if (addr->personal || (addr->mailbox && (buf_at(addr->mailbox, 0) == '@')))
1083 {
1084 buf_addch(buf, '<');
1085 }
1087 if (addr->mailbox)
1088 {
1089 if (!mutt_str_equal(buf_string(addr->mailbox), "@"))
1090 {
1091 const char *a = display ? mutt_addr_for_display(addr) : buf_string(addr->mailbox);
1092 buf_addstr(buf, a);
1093 }
1095 if (addr->personal || (addr->mailbox && (buf_at(addr->mailbox, 0) == '@')))
1096 {
1097 buf_addch(buf, '>');
1098 }
1100 if (addr->group)
1101 {
1102 buf_addstr(buf, ": ");
1103 }
1104 }
1105 else
1106 {
1107 buf_addch(buf, ';');
1108 }
1110 return buf_len(buf) - initial_len;
const char AddressSpecials[]
Characters with special meaning for email addresses.
Definition: address.c:45
const char * mutt_addr_for_display(const struct Address *a)
Convert an Address for display purposes.
Definition: address.c:1012
size_t buf_len(const struct Buffer *buf)
Calculate the length of a Buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:491
char buf_at(const struct Buffer *buf, size_t offset)
Return the character at the given offset.
Definition: buffer.c:668
size_t buf_addch(struct Buffer *buf, char c)
Add a single character to a Buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:241
size_t buf_addstr(struct Buffer *buf, const char *s)
Add a string to a Buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:226
bool mutt_str_equal(const char *a, const char *b)
Compare two strings.
Definition: string.c:661
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addrlist_write()

static size_t addrlist_write ( const struct AddressList *  al,
struct Buffer buf,
bool  display,
const char *  header,
int  cols 

Write an AddressList to a buffer, optionally perform line wrapping and display conversion.

alAddressList to display
bufBuffer for the Address
displayTrue if these addresses will be displayed to the user
headerHeader name; if present, addresses we be written after ": "
colsMax columns at which to wrap, disabled if -1
Return values
numLength of the string written to buf

If 'display' is set, then it doesn't matter if the transformation isn't reversible.

Definition at line 1126 of file address.c.

1129 if (!buf || !al || TAILQ_EMPTY(al))
1130 return 0;
1132 if (header)
1133 {
1134 buf_printf(buf, "%s: ", header);
1135 }
1137 size_t cur_col = buf_len(buf);
1138 bool in_group = false;
1139 struct Address *a = NULL;
1140 TAILQ_FOREACH(a, al, entries)
1141 {
1142 struct Address *next = TAILQ_NEXT(a, entries);
1144 if (a->group)
1145 {
1146 in_group = true;
1147 }
1149 // wrap if needed
1150 const size_t cur_len = buf_len(buf);
1151 cur_col += mutt_addr_write(buf, a, display);
1152 if ((cols > 0) && (cur_col > cols) && (a != TAILQ_FIRST(al)))
1153 {
1154 buf_insert(buf, cur_len, "\n\t");
1155 cur_col = 8;
1156 }
1158 if (!a->group)
1159 {
1160 // group terminator
1161 if (in_group && !a->mailbox && !a->personal)
1162 {
1163 buf_addch(buf, ';');
1164 cur_col++;
1165 in_group = false;
1166 }
1167 if (next && (next->mailbox || next->personal))
1168 {
1169 buf_addstr(buf, ", ");
1170 cur_col += 2;
1171 }
1172 if (!next)
1173 {
1174 break;
1175 }
1176 }
1177 }
1179 return buf_len(buf);
size_t mutt_addr_write(struct Buffer *buf, struct Address *addr, bool display)
Write a single Address to a buffer.
Definition: address.c:1050
int buf_printf(struct Buffer *buf, const char *fmt,...)
Format a string overwriting a Buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:161
size_t buf_insert(struct Buffer *buf, size_t offset, const char *s)
Add a string in the middle of a buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:256
#define TAILQ_EMPTY(head)
Definition: queue.h:778
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_write_wrap()

size_t mutt_addrlist_write_wrap ( const struct AddressList *  al,
struct Buffer buf,
const char *  header 

Write an AddressList to a buffer, perform line wrapping.

alAddressList to display
bufBuffer for the Address
headerHeader name; if present, addresses we be written after ": "
Return values
numLength of the string written to buf

Definition at line 1189 of file address.c.

1192 return addrlist_write(al, buf, false, header, 74);
static size_t addrlist_write(const struct AddressList *al, struct Buffer *buf, bool display, const char *header, int cols)
Write an AddressList to a buffer, optionally perform line wrapping and display conversion.
Definition: address.c:1126
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_write()

size_t mutt_addrlist_write ( const struct AddressList *  al,
struct Buffer buf,
bool  display 

Write an Address to a buffer.

alAddressList to display
bufBuffer for the Address
displayThis address will be displayed to the user
Return values
numLength of the string written to buf

If 'display' is set, then it doesn't matter if the transformation isn't reversible.

Definition at line 1206 of file address.c.

1208 return addrlist_write(al, buf, display, NULL, -1);
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_write_list()

size_t mutt_addrlist_write_list ( const struct AddressList *  al,
struct ListHead *  list 

Write Addresses to a List.

alAddressList to write
listList for the Addresses
Return values
numNumber of addresses written

Definition at line 1217 of file address.c.

1219 if (!al || !list)
1220 return 0;
1222 size_t count = 0;
1223 struct Address *a = NULL;
1224 TAILQ_FOREACH(a, al, entries)
1225 {
1226 struct Buffer buf = { 0 };
1227 mutt_addr_write(&buf, a, true);
1228 if (!buf_is_empty(&buf))
1229 {
1230 /* We're taking the ownership of the buffer string here */
1231 mutt_list_insert_tail(list, (char *) buf_string(&buf));
1232 count++;
1233 }
1234 }
1236 return count;
struct ListNode * mutt_list_insert_tail(struct ListHead *h, char *s)
Append a string to the end of a List.
Definition: list.c:65
String manipulation buffer.
Definition: buffer.h:36
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_write_file()

void mutt_addrlist_write_file ( const struct AddressList *  al,
FILE *  fp,
const char *  header 

Wrapper for mutt_write_address()

alAddress list
fpFile to write to
headerHeader name; if present, addresses we be written after ": "

So we can handle very large recipient lists without needing a huge temporary buffer in memory

Definition at line 1248 of file address.c.

1250 struct Buffer *buf = buf_pool_get();
1251 mutt_addrlist_write_wrap(al, buf, header);
1252 fputs(buf_string(buf), fp);
1253 buf_pool_release(&buf);
1254 fputc('\n', fp);
size_t mutt_addrlist_write_wrap(const struct AddressList *al, struct Buffer *buf, const char *header)
Write an AddressList to a buffer, perform line wrapping.
Definition: address.c:1189
struct Buffer * buf_pool_get(void)
Get a Buffer from the pool.
Definition: pool.c:82
void buf_pool_release(struct Buffer **ptr)
Return a Buffer to the pool.
Definition: pool.c:96
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_to_intl()

bool mutt_addr_to_intl ( struct Address a)

Convert an Address to Punycode.

aAddress to convert
Return values

Definition at line 1263 of file address.c.

1265 if (!a || !a->mailbox || addr_is_intl(a))
1266 return true;
1268 char *user = NULL;
1269 char *domain = NULL;
1270 if (addr_mbox_to_udomain(buf_string(a->mailbox), &user, &domain) == -1)
1271 return true;
1273 char *intl_mailbox = mutt_idna_local_to_intl(user, domain);
1275 FREE(&user);
1276 FREE(&domain);
1278 if (!intl_mailbox)
1279 return false;
1281 addr_set_intl(a, intl_mailbox);
1282 FREE(&intl_mailbox);
1283 return true;
static bool addr_is_intl(const struct Address *a)
Does the Address have IDN components.
Definition: address.c:928
static void addr_set_intl(struct Address *a, char *intl_mailbox)
Mark an Address as having IDN components.
Definition: address.c:979
char * mutt_idna_local_to_intl(const char *user, const char *domain)
Convert an email's domain to Punycode.
Definition: idna.c:227
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_to_intl()

int mutt_addrlist_to_intl ( struct AddressList *  al,
char **  err 

Convert an Address list to Punycode.

[in]alAddress list to modify
[out]errPointer for failed addresses
Return values
0Success, all addresses converted
-1Error, err will be set to the failed address

Definition at line 1293 of file address.c.

1295 if (!al)
1296 return 0;
1298 int rc = 0;
1300 if (err)
1301 *err = NULL;
1303 struct Address *a = NULL;
1304 TAILQ_FOREACH(a, al, entries)
1305 {
1306 if (!a->mailbox || addr_is_intl(a))
1307 continue;
1309 char *user = NULL;
1310 char *domain = NULL;
1311 if (addr_mbox_to_udomain(buf_string(a->mailbox), &user, &domain) == -1)
1312 continue;
1314 char *intl_mailbox = mutt_idna_local_to_intl(user, domain);
1316 FREE(&user);
1317 FREE(&domain);
1319 if (!intl_mailbox)
1320 {
1321 rc = -1;
1322 if (err && !*err)
1323 *err = buf_strdup(a->mailbox);
1324 continue;
1325 }
1327 addr_set_intl(a, intl_mailbox);
1328 FREE(&intl_mailbox);
1329 }
1331 return rc;
char * buf_strdup(const struct Buffer *buf)
Copy a Buffer's string.
Definition: buffer.c:571
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_to_local()

bool mutt_addr_to_local ( struct Address a)

Convert an Address from Punycode.

aAddress to convert
Return values

Definition at line 1340 of file address.c.

1342 if (!a->mailbox)
1343 {
1344 return false;
1345 }
1347 if (addr_is_local(a))
1348 {
1349 return true;
1350 }
1352 char *user = NULL;
1353 char *domain = NULL;
1354 if (addr_mbox_to_udomain(buf_string(a->mailbox), &user, &domain) == -1)
1355 {
1356 return false;
1357 }
1359 char *local_mailbox = mutt_idna_intl_to_local(user, domain, MI_NO_FLAGS);
1360 FREE(&user);
1361 FREE(&domain);
1363 if (!local_mailbox)
1364 {
1365 return false;
1366 }
1368 addr_set_local(a, local_mailbox);
1369 FREE(&local_mailbox);
1370 return true;
static void addr_set_local(struct Address *a, char *local_mailbox)
Mark an Address as having NO IDN components.
Definition: address.c:994
#define MI_NO_FLAGS
Definition: idna2.h:29
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_to_local()

int mutt_addrlist_to_local ( struct AddressList *  al)

Convert an Address list from Punycode.

alAddress list to modify
Return values

Definition at line 1378 of file address.c.

1380 if (!al)
1381 return 0;
1383 struct Address *a = NULL;
1384 TAILQ_FOREACH(a, al, entries)
1385 {
1387 }
1388 return 0;
bool mutt_addr_to_local(struct Address *a)
Convert an Address from Punycode.
Definition: address.c:1340
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_dedupe()

void mutt_addrlist_dedupe ( struct AddressList *  al)

Remove duplicate addresses.

alAddress list to de-dupe

Given a list of addresses, return a list of unique addresses

Definition at line 1397 of file address.c.

1399 if (!al)
1400 return;
1402 struct Address *a = NULL;
1403 TAILQ_FOREACH(a, al, entries)
1404 {
1405 if (a->mailbox)
1406 {
1407 struct Address *a2 = TAILQ_NEXT(a, entries);
1408 struct Address *tmp = NULL;
1410 if (a2)
1411 {
1412 TAILQ_FOREACH_FROM_SAFE(a2, al, entries, tmp)
1413 {
1414 if (a2->mailbox && buf_istr_equal(a->mailbox, a2->mailbox))
1415 {
1416 mutt_debug(LL_DEBUG2, "Removing %s\n", buf_string(a2->mailbox));
1417 TAILQ_REMOVE(al, a2, entries);
1418 mutt_addr_free(&a2);
1419 }
1420 }
1421 }
1422 }
1423 }
#define mutt_debug(LEVEL,...)
Definition: logging2.h:90
Log at debug level 2.
Definition: logging2.h:45
#define TAILQ_FOREACH_FROM_SAFE(var, head, field, tvar)
Definition: queue.h:797
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_remove_xrefs()

void mutt_addrlist_remove_xrefs ( const struct AddressList *  a,
struct AddressList *  b 

Remove cross-references.

aReference AddressList
bAddressLis to trim

Remove addresses from "b" which are contained in "a"

Definition at line 1433 of file address.c.

1435 if (!a || !b)
1436 return;
1438 struct Address *aa = NULL, *ab = NULL, *tmp = NULL;
1440 TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(ab, b, entries, tmp)
1441 {
1442 TAILQ_FOREACH(aa, a, entries)
1443 {
1444 if (mutt_addr_cmp(aa, ab))
1445 {
1446 TAILQ_REMOVE(b, ab, entries);
1447 mutt_addr_free(&ab);
1448 break;
1449 }
1450 }
1451 }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_clear()

void mutt_addrlist_clear ( struct AddressList *  al)

Unlink and free all Address in an AddressList.

After this call, the AddressList is reinitialized and ready for reuse.

Definition at line 1460 of file address.c.

1462 if (!al)
1463 return;
1465 struct Address *a = TAILQ_FIRST(al), *next = NULL;
1466 while (a)
1467 {
1468 next = TAILQ_NEXT(a, entries);
1469 mutt_addr_free(&a);
1470 a = next;
1471 }
1472 TAILQ_INIT(al);
#define TAILQ_INIT(head)
Definition: queue.h:822
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_append()

void mutt_addrlist_append ( struct AddressList *  al,
struct Address a 

Append an Address to an AddressList.


Definition at line 1480 of file address.c.

1482 if (al && a)
1483 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(al, a, entries);
#define TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(head, elm, field)
Definition: queue.h:866
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_prepend()

void mutt_addrlist_prepend ( struct AddressList *  al,
struct Address a 

Prepend an Address to an AddressList.


Definition at line 1491 of file address.c.

1493 if (al && a)
1494 TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(al, a, entries);
#define TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(head, elm, field)
Definition: queue.h:853
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addr_uses_unicode()

bool mutt_addr_uses_unicode ( const char *  str)

Does this address use Unicode character.

strAddress string to check
Return values
trueThe string uses 8-bit characters

Definition at line 1502 of file address.c.

1504 if (!str)
1505 return false;
1507 while (*str)
1508 {
1509 if ((unsigned char) *str & (1 << 7))
1510 return true;
1511 str++;
1512 }
1514 return false;
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mutt_addrlist_uses_unicode()

bool mutt_addrlist_uses_unicode ( const struct AddressList *  al)

Do any of a list of addresses use Unicode characters.

alAddress list to check
Return values
trueAny use 8-bit characters

Definition at line 1522 of file address.c.

1524 if (!al)
1525 {
1526 return false;
1527 }
1529 struct Address *a = NULL;
1530 TAILQ_FOREACH(a, al, entries)
1531 {
1533 return true;
1534 }
1535 return false;
bool mutt_addr_uses_unicode(const char *str)
Does this address use Unicode character.
Definition: address.c:1502
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ AddressSpecials

const char AddressSpecials[] = "\"(),.:;<>@[\\]"

Characters with special meaning for email addresses.

Definition at line 45 of file address.c.