#define ARRAY_HEAD(name, type)
Define a named struct for arrays of elements of a certain type.
int mutt_autocrypt_process_autocrypt_header(struct Email *e, struct Envelope *env)
Parse an Autocrypt email header.
char * AutocryptSignAs
Autocrypt Key id to sign as.
int mutt_autocrypt_generate_gossip_list(struct Email *e)
Create the gossip list headers.
void mutt_autocrypt_cleanup(void)
Shutdown Autocrypt.
int mutt_autocrypt_write_gossip_headers(struct Envelope *env, FILE *fp)
Write the Autocrypt gossip headers to a file.
enum AutocryptRec mutt_autocrypt_ui_recommendation(const struct Email *e, char **keylist)
Get the recommended action for an Email.
char * AutocryptDefaultKey
Autocrypt default key id (used for postponing messages)
int mutt_autocrypt_init(bool can_create)
Initialise Autocrypt.
int mutt_autocrypt_write_autocrypt_header(struct Envelope *env, FILE *fp)
Write the Autocrypt header to a file.
int mutt_autocrypt_set_sign_as_default_key(struct Email *e)
Set the Autocrypt default key for signing.
Prefer not to use Autocrypt.
Do no use Autocrypt.
No recommendations.
Autocrypt is available.
Autocrypt should be used.
int mutt_autocrypt_process_gossip_header(struct Email *e, struct Envelope *prot_headers)
Parse an Autocrypt email gossip header.
void dlg_autocrypt(void)
Display the Autocrypt account Menu -.
Convenience wrapper for the library headers.
char * email_addr
Email address.
char * keydata
PGP Key data.
bool enabled
Is this account enabled.
bool prefer_encrypt
false = nopref, true = mutual
Autocrypt gossip history.
char * peer_email_addr
Email addressof the peer.
char * email_msgid
Sender's email's message id.
char * sender_email_addr
Sender's email address.
char * gossip_keydata
Gossip Key data.
sqlite3_int64 timestamp
Timestamp of sender's email.
char * peer_email_addr
Email address of the peer.
char * email_msgid
Message id of the email.
char * keydata
PGP Key data.
sqlite3_int64 timestamp
Timestamp of email.
sqlite3_int64 autocrypt_timestamp
When the email was sent.
char * gossip_keydata
Gossip Key data.
char * gossip_keyid
Gossip Key id.
char * keydata
PGP Key data.
char * email_addr
Email address.
sqlite3_int64 last_seen
When was the peer last seen.
bool prefer_encrypt
false = nopref, true = mutual
sqlite3_int64 gossip_timestamp
Timestamp of Gossip header.
The envelope/body of an email.