41#ifndef MUTT_NNTP_LIB_H
42#define MUTT_NNTP_LIB_H
82#define NNTP_ACACHE_LEN 10
Convenience wrapper for the core headers.
Supported mailbox formats.
long group_index_a_num(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
NNTP: Alert for new mail - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_number() -.
long nntp_p_num(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
Newsrc: Port - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_number() -.
long nntp_P_num(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
Newsrc: Port if specified - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_number() -.
long group_index_p_num(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
NNTP: Poll for new mail - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_number() -.
long group_index_s_num(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
NNTP: Number of unread articles - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_number() -.
long group_index_C_num(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
NNTP: Index number - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_number() -.
long group_index_n_num(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
NNTP: Number of new articles - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_number() -.
void nntp_s(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, int max_cols, struct Buffer *buf)
Newsrc: News server name - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_string() -.
void nntp_P(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, int max_cols, struct Buffer *buf)
Newsrc: Port if specified - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_string() -.
void group_index_M(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, int max_cols, struct Buffer *buf)
NNTP: Moderated flag - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_string() -.
void nntp_a(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, int max_cols, struct Buffer *buf)
Newsrc: Account url - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_string() -.
void group_index_d(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, int max_cols, struct Buffer *buf)
NNTP: Description - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_string() -.
void nntp_u(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, int max_cols, struct Buffer *buf)
Newsrc: Username - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_string() -.
void group_index_f(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, int max_cols, struct Buffer *buf)
NNTP: Newsgroup name - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_string() -.
void group_index_N(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, int max_cols, struct Buffer *buf)
NNTP: New flag - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_string() -.
void nntp_S(const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, int max_cols, struct Buffer *buf)
Newsrc: Url schema - Implements ExpandoRenderData::get_string() -.
const struct MxOps MxNntpOps
NNTP Mailbox - Implements MxOps -.
enum MailboxType nntp_path_probe(const char *path, const struct stat *st)
Is this an NNTP Mailbox? - Implements MxOps::path_probe() -.
int nntp_compare_order(const struct Email *a, const struct Email *b, bool reverse)
Restore the 'unsorted' order of emails - Implements sort_mail_t -.
int nntp_check_msgid(struct Mailbox *m, const char *msgid)
Fetch article by Message-ID.
void nntp_clear_cache(struct NntpAccountData *adata)
Clear the NNTP cache.
int nntp_check_children(struct Mailbox *m, const char *msgid)
Fetch children of article with the Message-ID.
int nntp_active_fetch(struct NntpAccountData *adata, bool mark_new)
Fetch list of all newsgroups from server.
int nntp_complete(struct Buffer *buf)
Auto-complete NNTP newsgroups.
int nntp_post(struct Mailbox *m, const char *msg)
Post article.
int nntp_newsrc_parse(struct NntpAccountData *adata)
Parse .newsrc file.
void nntp_mailbox(struct Mailbox *m, char *buf, size_t buflen)
Get first newsgroup with new messages.
void nntp_newsrc_close(struct NntpAccountData *adata)
Unlock and close .newsrc file.
struct NntpMboxData * mutt_newsgroup_catchup(struct Mailbox *m, struct NntpAccountData *adata, char *group)
Catchup newsgroup.
int nntp_newsrc_update(struct NntpAccountData *adata)
Update .newsrc file.
struct NntpMboxData * mutt_newsgroup_subscribe(struct NntpAccountData *adata, char *group)
Subscribe newsgroup.
struct NntpMboxData * mutt_newsgroup_uncatchup(struct Mailbox *m, struct NntpAccountData *adata, char *group)
Uncatchup newsgroup.
const struct ExpandoRenderData NntpRenderData[]
Callbacks for Newsrc Expandos.
void nntp_expand_path(char *buf, size_t buflen, struct ConnAccount *acct)
Make fully qualified url from newsgroup name.
struct NntpAccountData * CurrentNewsSrv
Current NNTP news server.
struct NntpAccountData * nntp_select_server(struct Mailbox *m, const char *server, bool leave_lock)
Open a connection to an NNTP server.
struct NntpMboxData * mutt_newsgroup_unsubscribe(struct NntpAccountData *adata, char *group)
Unsubscribe newsgroup.
uint8_t MuttFormatFlags
Flags for expando_render(), e.g. MUTT_FORMAT_FORCESUBJ.
String manipulation buffer.
Login details for a remote server.
The envelope/body of an email.
An entry in a .newsrc (subscribed newsgroups)
anum_t last
Last article number in run.
anum_t first
First article number in run.
unsigned int index
Index number.
NNTP-specific Account data -.
NNTP-specific Mailbox data -.
char * group
Name of newsgroup.
struct NntpAccountData * adata