121 char scope[256] = { 0 };
122 snprintf(scope,
155 struct Notify *not_parent)
162 sub->
cs = sub_parent->
167 char scope[256] = { 0 };
169 if (sub_parent && sub_parent->
194 char scope[256] = { 0 };
196 snprintf(scope,
"%s:%s", sub->
name, name);
228 char scope[256] = { 0 };
229 snprintf(scope,
"%s:%s", sub->
name, name);
278 intptr_t value,
struct Buffer *err)
300 intptr_t value,
struct Buffer *err)
367 const char *value,
struct Buffer *err)
389 const char *value,
struct Buffer *err)
405 const char *value,
struct Buffer *err)
427 const char *value,
struct Buffer *err)
#define ARRAY_SORT(head, fn, sdata)
Sort an array.
#define ARRAY_ADD(head, elem)
Add an element at the end of the array.
#define ARRAY_FOREACH(elem, head)
Iterate over all elements of the array.
#define ARRAY_FREE(head)
Release all memory.
Static initializer for arrays.
struct HashElem * cs_get_elem(const struct ConfigSet *cs, const char *name)
Get the HashElem representing a config item.
int cs_he_string_plus_equals(const struct ConfigSet *cs, struct HashElem *he, const char *value, struct Buffer *err)
Add to a config item by string.
int cs_he_reset(const struct ConfigSet *cs, struct HashElem *he, struct Buffer *err)
Reset a config item to its initial value.
int cs_he_delete(const struct ConfigSet *cs, struct HashElem *he, struct Buffer *err)
Delete config item from a config set.
int cs_he_string_set(const struct ConfigSet *cs, struct HashElem *he, const char *value, struct Buffer *err)
Set a config item by string.
struct HashElem * cs_get_base(struct HashElem *he)
Find the root Config Item.
bool cs_he_has_been_set(const struct ConfigSet *cs, struct HashElem *he)
Is the config value different to its initial value?
int cs_he_native_set(const struct ConfigSet *cs, struct HashElem *he, intptr_t value, struct Buffer *err)
Natively set the value of a HashElem config item.
intptr_t cs_he_native_get(const struct ConfigSet *cs, struct HashElem *he, struct Buffer *err)
Natively get the value of a HashElem config item.
struct HashElem * cs_inherit_variable(const struct ConfigSet *cs, struct HashElem *he_parent, const char *name)
Create in inherited config item.
int cs_he_string_get(const struct ConfigSet *cs, struct HashElem *he, struct Buffer *result)
Get a config item as a string.
int cs_he_string_minus_equals(const struct ConfigSet *cs, struct HashElem *he, const char *value, struct Buffer *err)
Remove from a config item by string.
void cs_uninherit_variable(const struct ConfigSet *cs, const char *name)
Remove an inherited config item.
The value hasn't changed.
#define CSR_ERR_CODE
Problem with the code.
Action completed successfully.
#define mutt_debug(LEVEL,...)
int elem_list_sort(const void *a, const void *b, void *sdata)
Compare two HashElem pointers to config - Implements sort_t -.
struct HashElem * mutt_hash_walk(const struct HashTable *table, struct HashWalkState *state)
Iterate through all the HashElem's in a Hash Table.
Log of notifications.
const char * mutt_map_get_name(int val, const struct Mapping *map)
Lookup a string for a constant.
#define MUTT_MEM_CALLOC(n, type)
Convenience wrapper for the library headers.
struct Notify * notify_new(void)
Create a new notifications handler.
bool notify_send(struct Notify *notify, enum NotifyType event_type, int event_subtype, void *event_data)
Send out a notification message.
void notify_set_parent(struct Notify *notify, struct Notify *parent)
Set the parent notification handler.
void notify_free(struct Notify **ptr)
Free a notification handler.
char * mutt_str_dup(const char *str)
Copy a string, safely.
int mutt_istr_cmp(const char *a, const char *b)
Compare two strings ignoring case, safely.
size_t mutt_str_startswith(const char *str, const char *prefix)
Check whether a string starts with a prefix.
size_t mutt_str_copy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t dsize)
Copy a string into a buffer (guaranteeing NUL-termination)
Config has changed, NotifyConfig, EventConfig.
String manipulation buffer.
Container for lots of config items.
A set of inherited config items.
struct Notify * notify
Notifications: NotifyConfig, EventConfig.
const char * name
Scope name of Subset.
struct ConfigSet * cs
Parent ConfigSet.
struct ConfigSubset * parent
Parent Subset.
enum ConfigScope scope
Scope of Subset, e.g. SET_SCOPE_ACCOUNT.
const struct ConfigSubset * sub
Config Subset.
const char * name
Name of config item that changed.
struct HashElem * he
Config item that changed.
The item stored in a Hash Table.
union HashKey key
Key representing the data.
Cursor to iterate through a Hash Table.
Mapping between user-readable string and a constant.
int cs_subset_he_string_minus_equals(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, struct HashElem *he, const char *value, struct Buffer *err)
Remove from a config item by string.
int cs_subset_he_string_get(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, struct HashElem *he, struct Buffer *result)
Get a config item as a string.
int cs_subset_he_native_set(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, struct HashElem *he, intptr_t value, struct Buffer *err)
Natively set the value of a HashElem config item.
int cs_subset_str_native_set(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name, intptr_t value, struct Buffer *err)
Natively set the value of a string config item.
intptr_t cs_subset_he_native_get(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, struct HashElem *he, struct Buffer *err)
Natively get the value of a HashElem config item.
int cs_subset_he_delete(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, struct HashElem *he, struct Buffer *err)
Delete config item from a config.
int cs_subset_he_reset(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, struct HashElem *he, struct Buffer *err)
Reset a config item to its initial value.
int cs_subset_str_string_get(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name, struct Buffer *result)
Get a config item as a string.
int cs_subset_he_string_set(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, struct HashElem *he, const char *value, struct Buffer *err)
Set a config item by string.
int cs_subset_str_string_set(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name, const char *value, struct Buffer *err)
Set a config item by string.
struct HashElemArray get_elem_list(struct ConfigSet *cs, enum GetElemListFlags flags)
Create a sorted list of all config items.
struct HashElem * cs_subset_create_inheritance(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name)
Create a Subset config item (inherited)
struct ConfigSubset * cs_subset_new(const char *name, struct ConfigSubset *sub_parent, struct Notify *not_parent)
Create a new Config Subset.
void cs_subset_free(struct ConfigSubset **ptr)
Free a Config Subset.
static const struct Mapping ConfigEventNames[]
Names for logging.
int cs_subset_he_string_plus_equals(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, struct HashElem *he, const char *value, struct Buffer *err)
Add to a config item by string.
struct HashElem * cs_subset_lookup(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name)
Find an inherited config item.
void cs_subset_notify_observers(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, struct HashElem *he, enum NotifyConfig ev)
Notify all observers of an event.
Config notification types.
Config item has been deleted.
Config item has been reset to initial, or parent, value.
Config item has been set.
Flags for get_elem_list()
Only config that has been changed.
All the normal config (no synonyms or deprecated)
const char * strkey
String key.