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Multi Profile

Multi Profiles to setup more than one account


You may have more than one account and you like to setup neomutt to use your accounts.

Lets assume you have two accounts, your private account and one business account.

We will create one configuration file for each profile and setup some hooks to switch the profiles.

Keep in mind, this is just an example. It depends on your context how many parts you can use.


For each account you can create a profile-configuration e.g. ~/.neomutt/profile.private and ~/.neomutt/

You can setup each profile like the example below:

Profile setup

set hostname  = "domain.tld"
set realname  = "Firstname Lastname"
set from      = "mailbox@domain.tld"
set signature = "~/.neomutt/signatur.profilename"	
set smtp_url  ="smtp://user:pwd@smtp.domain.tld"

color status     brightgreen    blue


You may create neomuttrc-hooks to setup some hooks.

Lets assume your mails are filtered (e.g. procmail) already. You may have one incoming mailbox for each account. You are able to use folder-hooks to switch the profile, if you change the mailbox.

folder-hook "Inbox-Private"  'source ~/.neomutt/profile.private'
folder-hook "Inbox-Business" 'source ~/.neomutt/'

You may have some contacts in your alias file:

alias Lastname.Firstname Firstname Lastname <mailbox@domain.tld> You can add groups on the accounts.

alias -group AccountPrivate Lastname1.Firstname1 Firstname1 Lastname1 <mailbox1@domain.tld>
alias -group AccountBusiness Lastname2.Firstname2 Firstname2 Lastname2 <mailbox2@domain.tld>

Now, you can add a send-hook to the groups like:

send-hook "%C AccountPrivate" 'source ~/.neomutt/profile.private'
send-hook "%C AccountBusiness" 'source ~/.neomutt/'

You are able to switch the account, when you replay on a mail.

reply-hook "~t private@domain.tld" 'source ~/.neomutt/profile.private'

Setting the PGP key via send2-hook.

send2-hook '~f private@domain.tld'  set pgp_sign_as=0x87654321
send2-hook '~f business@domain.tld' set pgp_sign_as=0x12345678


Using the cache

Good to know

Profile status color

Change the color of status for each account. You can see the switch between the accounts on neomutt’s status color

color status     brightgreen    red 	# business
color status     brightgreen    blue	# private