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Native IMAP

Neomutt with native IMAP


Do you like to try neomutt or you just would like to access your E-Mails which are stored on an IMAP Server? In this case the native IMAP Support of neomutt may be the best way to access your mails.


The Neomutt team provides an example configuration file to setup an IMAP Account. You can take a copy of the configuration file and set your data.

Setting up your name and your E-Mail-Address:

set realname = "Firstname Lastname"
set from     = "mailbox@domain.tld"

Setting up realname and from will set the From:-Header:

From: Firstname Lastname <mailbox@domain.tld> 

The spoolfile must be set to the IMAP Server:

set spoolfile="imaps://imap.domain.tld/"

You may set that the spoolfile as one of your mailboxes:

 mailboxes $spoolfile

There exits two variables for the IMAP user and password:

set imap_user = "your_imap_user"
set imap_pass = "your_imap_passwd"

The smtp_url can be used to define the SMTP Server

set smtp_url  = "smtp://user:pwd@smtp.domain.tld:587"

You may like to store all information on the IMAP Server:

set folder     = $spoolfile
set postponed  = "+Drafts"
set record     = "+Sent"
set trash      = "+Trash"

mailboxes $postponed $record $trash

Start neomutt

If this configuration is not your default setting of neomutt, you can store the file somewhere and use the -F parameter to define fine the configuration.

$ neomutt -F neomuttrc-imap

Neomutt will create a connection to your remote IMAP Server displays the messages in the index panel.


Using the cache

Mutli Accounts

Start with a basic configuration neomuttrc. Add two mailboxes. Assume you have one E-Mail ID mailbox@domain1.tld and mailbox@domain2.tld. The first is provided by provider1, the second is provided by provider2.

mailboxes 'imaps://mailbox@domain1.tld@imap.provider1.tld'
mailboxes 'imaps://mailbox@domain2.tld@imap.provider2.tld'

When you start neomutt, you can see those mailboxes by pressing c?.

account-hook 'mailbox@domain1\.tld@imap\.provider1\.tld'  "source ~/.neomutt/neomuttrc-imap-1"
account-hook 'mailbox@domain2\.tld@imap\.provider2\.tld'  "source ~/.neomutt/neomuttrc-imap-2"

You should add the following information to your imap profile file.

set folder="imaps://mailbox@domain1.tld@imap.provider1.tld/"
set spoolfile = $folder
account-hook $folder "set imap_user=mailbox@domain1.tld"; set imap_pass='yourpasswd'
color status     brightgreen    green

Good to know