99 do_free ?
"" :
"not ", m->
visible ?
"visible" :
116 for (
size_t i = 0; i < m->
email_max; i++)
155 struct stat st = { 0 };
156 struct stat st_tmp = { 0 };
158 if (stat(path, &st) != 0)
168 (st.st_dev == st_tmp.st_dev) && (st.st_ino == st_tmp.st_ino))
217 struct stat st = { 0 };
223 m->
size = (off_t) st.st_size;
272 if (!m || m->
sub || !sub)
314 for (
size_t i = 0; i <
idx; i++)
void buf_dealloc(struct Buffer *buf)
Release the memory allocated by a buffer.
struct Buffer * buf_init(struct Buffer *buf)
Initialise a new Buffer.
static const char * buf_string(const struct Buffer *buf)
Convert a buffer to a const char * "string".
Convenience wrapper for the config headers.
bool mailbox_set_subset(struct Mailbox *m, struct ConfigSubset *sub)
Set a Mailbox's Config Subset.
void mailbox_gc_run(void)
Run the garbage-collection.
void mailbox_size_add(struct Mailbox *m, const struct Email *e)
Add an email's size to the total size of a Mailbox.
void mailbox_size_sub(struct Mailbox *m, const struct Email *e)
Subtract an email's size from the total size of a Mailbox.
int mailbox_gen(void)
Get the next generation number.
struct Mailbox * mailbox_new(void)
Create a new Mailbox.
void mailbox_gc_add(struct Email *e)
Add an Email to the garbage-collection set.
void mailbox_update(struct Mailbox *m)
Get the mailbox's current size.
void mailbox_free(struct Mailbox **ptr)
Free a Mailbox.
static const struct Mapping MailboxTypes[]
Lookups for Mailbox types.
struct Mailbox * mailbox_find_name(const char *name)
Find the mailbox with a given name.
static struct EmailGarbageCollector GC
Set of Emails to be deleted.
void mailbox_changed(struct Mailbox *m, enum NotifyMailbox action)
Notify observers of a change to a Mailbox.
const char * mailbox_get_type_name(enum MailboxType type)
Get the type of a Mailbox.
struct Mailbox * mailbox_find(const char *path)
Find the mailbox with a given path.
Types of Mailbox Event.
Mailbox is about to be deleted.
static const char * mailbox_path(const struct Mailbox *m)
Get the Mailbox's path string.
Supported mailbox formats.
'Notmuch' (virtual) Mailbox type
'mmdf' Mailbox type
'POP3' Mailbox type
'MH' Mailbox type
'NNTP' (Usenet) Mailbox type
'IMAP' Mailbox type
'mbox' Mailbox type
Match any Mailbox type.
Compressed file Mailbox type.
'Maildir' Mailbox type
size_t email_get_size(const struct Email *e)
Compute the size of an email.
void email_free(struct Email **ptr)
Free an Email.
Structs that make up an email.
All the Emails are about to be deleted.
#define mutt_debug(LEVEL,...)
Log at debug level 3.
Log of notifications.
const char * mutt_map_get_name(int val, const struct Mapping *map)
Lookup a string for a constant.
#define MUTT_MEM_CALLOC(n, type)
#define mutt_array_size(x)
struct Notify * notify_new(void)
Create a new notifications handler.
bool notify_send(struct Notify *notify, enum NotifyType event_type, int event_subtype, void *event_data)
Send out a notification message.
void notify_free(struct Notify **ptr)
Free a notification handler.
bool mutt_str_equal(const char *a, const char *b)
Compare two strings.
void neomutt_mailboxlist_clear(struct MailboxList *ml)
Free a Mailbox List.
size_t neomutt_mailboxlist_get_all(struct MailboxList *head, struct NeoMutt *n, enum MailboxType type)
Get a List of all Mailboxes.
Container for Accounts, Notifications.
Email has changed, NotifyEmail, EventEmail.
Mailbox has changed, NotifyMailbox, EventMailbox.
#define STAILQ_FOREACH(var, head, field)
A set of inherited config items.
enum ConfigScope scope
Scope of Subset, e.g. SET_SCOPE_ACCOUNT.
Email garbage collection.
size_t idx
Current position.
struct Email * arr[10]
Array of Emails to be deleted.
The envelope/body of an email.
An Event that happened to an Email.
An Event that happened to a Mailbox.
struct Mailbox * mailbox
Mailbox in the list.
void(* mdata_free)(void **ptr)
char * realpath
Used for duplicate detection, context comparison, and the sidebar.
int * v2r
Mapping from virtual to real msgno.
int msg_new
Number of new messages.
int msg_count
Total number of messages.
int email_max
Size of emails array.
enum MailboxType type
Mailbox type.
bool poll_new_mail
Check for new mail.
void * mdata
Driver specific data.
struct Email ** emails
Array of Emails.
char * name
A short name for the Mailbox.
struct Notify * notify
Notifications: NotifyMailbox, EventMailbox.
bool notify_user
Notify the user of new mail.
struct Buffer pathbuf
Path of the Mailbox.
int msg_deleted
Number of deleted messages.
off_t size
Size of the Mailbox.
bool visible
True if a result of "mailboxes".
int msg_flagged
Number of flagged messages.
int opened
Number of times mailbox is opened.
int msg_tagged
How many messages are tagged?
int msg_unread
Number of unread messages.
int gen
Generation number, for sorting.
struct ConfigSubset * sub
Inherited config items.
Mapping between user-readable string and a constant.
Container for Accounts, Notifications.
struct ConfigSubset * cs_subset_new(const char *name, struct ConfigSubset *sub_parent, struct Notify *not_parent)
Create a new Config Subset.
void cs_subset_free(struct ConfigSubset **ptr)
Free a Config Subset.
This Config is Mailbox-specific.