57 const char *color = NULL;
97 const char *path =
178 if (dlg && (dlg != win))
int buf_add_printf(struct Buffer *buf, const char *fmt,...)
Format a string appending a Buffer.
size_t buf_addstr(struct Buffer *buf, const char *s)
Add a string to a Buffer.
static const char * buf_string(const struct Buffer *buf)
Convert a buffer to a const char * "string".
Color and attribute parsing.
Convenience wrapper for the config headers.
int cs_he_string_get(const struct ConfigSet *cs, struct HashElem *he, struct Buffer *result)
Get a config item as a string.
Convenience wrapper for the core headers.
static const char * mailbox_path(const struct Mailbox *m)
Get the Mailbox's path string.
const char * name_notify_global(int id)
const char * name_mailbox_type(enum MailboxType type)
const char * name_notify_type(enum NotifyType type)
const char * name_notify_mview(int id)
const char * name_notify_config(int id)
const char * name_notify_mailbox(int id)
static void notify_dump_global(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
const struct Mapping ColorFields[]
Mapping of colour names to their IDs.
static void notify_dump_config(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
static void notify_dump_mview(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
static void notify_dump_command(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
static void notify_dump_color(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
int debug_all_observer(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
static void notify_dump_mailbox(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
static void notify_dump_window_focus(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
static void notify_dump_account(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
static void notify_dump_email(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
static void notify_dump_window_state(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
struct MuttWindow * dialog_find(struct MuttWindow *win)
Find the parent Dialog of a Window.
Structs that make up an email.
#define mutt_debug(LEVEL,...)
Convenience wrapper for the gui headers.
Log at debug level 5.
Log at debug level 1.
const char * mutt_map_get_name(int val, const struct Mapping *map)
Lookup a string for a constant.
Convenience wrapper for the library headers.
const char * mutt_window_win_name(const struct MuttWindow *win)
Get the name of a Window.
#define WN_MOVED
Window moved.
uint8_t WindowNotifyFlags
Flags for Changes to a MuttWindow, e.g. WN_TALLER.
#define WN_WIDER
Window became wider.
Window state has changed, e.g. WN_VISIBLE.
Window focus has changed.
#define WN_VISIBLE
Window became visible.
#define WN_HIDDEN
Window became hidden.
#define WN_TALLER
Window became taller.
Window became narrower.
#define WN_SHORTER
Window became shorter.
Color has been set.
Timeout has occurred.
MuttWindow has changed, NotifyWindow, EventWindow.
Config has changed, NotifyConfig, EventConfig.
Colour has changed, NotifyColor, EventColor.
Email has changed, NotifyEmail, EventEmail.
Mailbox has changed, NotifyMailbox, EventMailbox.
A Command has been executed, Command.
Account has changed, NotifyAccount, EventAccount.
MailboxView has changed, NotifyMview, EventMview.
Not object-related, NotifyGlobal.
Window has been resized.
struct Buffer * buf_pool_get(void)
Get a Buffer from the pool.
void buf_pool_release(struct Buffer **ptr)
Return a Buffer to the pool.
A group of associated Mailboxes.
enum MailboxType type
Type of Mailboxes this Account contains.
char * name
Name of Account.
String manipulation buffer.
intptr_t data
Data or flags to pass to the command.
const char * name
Name of the command.
struct ConfigSet * cs
Parent ConfigSet.
An Event that happened to an Account.
struct Account * account
The Account this Event relates to.
An Event that happened to a Colour.
enum ColorId cid
Colour ID that has changed.
const struct ConfigSubset * sub
Config Subset.
const char * name
Name of config item that changed.
struct HashElem * he
Config item that changed.
An Event that happened to an Email.
int num_emails
Number of Emails the event applies to.
struct Email ** emails
Emails affected by the event.
An Event that happened to a Mailbox.
struct Mailbox * mailbox
The Mailbox this Event relates to.
An Event that happened to an MailboxView.
struct MailboxView * mv
The MailboxView this Event relates to.
An Event that happened to a Window.
struct MuttWindow * win
Window that changed.
WindowNotifyFlags flags
Attributes of Window that changed.
struct Mailbox * mailbox
Current Mailbox.
Mapping between user-readable string and a constant.
struct WindowState old
Previous state of the Window.
struct WindowState state
Current state of the Window.
Data passed to a notification function.
void * event_data
Data from notify_send()
enum NotifyType event_type
Send: Event type, e.g. NT_ACCOUNT.
int event_subtype
Send: Event subtype, e.g. NT_ACCOUNT_ADD.
void * global_data
Data from notify_observer_add()
short cols
Number of columns, can be MUTT_WIN_SIZE_UNLIMITED.
short row_offset
Absolute on-screen row.
short col_offset
Absolute on-screen column.
short rows
Number of rows, can be MUTT_WIN_SIZE_UNLIMITED.