NeoMutt  2025-01-09-144-gb44c67
Teaching an old dog new tricks
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expando_index.c File Reference

String processing routines to generate the mail index. More...

#include "config.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "private.h"
#include "mutt/lib.h"
#include "address/lib.h"
#include "config/lib.h"
#include "email/lib.h"
#include "core/lib.h"
#include "alias/lib.h"
#include "expando_index.h"
#include "attach/lib.h"
#include "color/lib.h"
#include "expando/lib.h"
#include "ncrypt/lib.h"
#include "hook.h"
#include "maillist.h"
#include "mutt_thread.h"
#include "muttlib.h"
#include "mx.h"
#include "subjectrx.h"
#include "notmuch/lib.h"
+ Include dependency graph for expando_index.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


enum  FieldType {
 Header types. More...
enum  IndexDateChoice { SENT_SENDER , SENT_LOCAL , RECV_LOCAL }
 Which email date to display in the Index. More...


static void mailbox_mailbox_name (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Filename - Implements get_string_t -.
static const char * make_from_prefix (enum FieldType disp)
 Create a prefix for an author field.
static void make_from (struct Envelope *env, char *buf, size_t buflen, bool do_lists, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Generate a From: field (with optional prefix)
static void make_from_addr (struct Envelope *env, char *buf, size_t buflen, bool do_lists)
 Create a 'from' address for a reply email.
static bool user_in_addr (struct AddressList *al)
 Do any of the addresses refer to the user?
static enum ToChars user_is_recipient (struct Email *e)
 Is the user a recipient of the message.
static bool thread_is_new (struct Email *e)
 Does the email thread contain any new emails?
static bool thread_is_old (struct Email *e)
 Does the email thread contain any unread emails?
static void index_email_date (const struct ExpandoNode *node, const struct Email *e, enum IndexDateChoice which, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf, const char *format)
 Index: Sent/Received Local/Sender date and time.
static long email_attachment_count (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Number of MIME attachments - Implements get_number_t -.
static void email_body_characters (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Number of raw bytes - Implements get_string_t -.
static void email_combined_flags (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Status flags - Implements get_string_t -.
static void email_crypto_flags (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Message crypto flags - Implements get_string_t -.
static void email_date_format (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Sent date and time - Implements get_string_t -.
static void email_date_format_local (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Sent local date and time - Implements get_string_t -.
static long email_date_format_local_num (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Local Date and time - Implements get_number_t -.
static long email_date_format_num (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Senders Date and time - Implements get_number_t -.
static void email_date_strf (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Sent date and time - Implements get_string_t -.
static long email_date_strf_num (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Sender's date and time - Implements get_number_t -.
static void email_date_strf_local (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Sent local date and time - Implements get_string_t -.
static long email_date_strf_local_num (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Local date and time - Implements get_number_t -.
static void email_flag_chars (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Status flag - Implements get_string_t -.
static void email_from_list (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: List address - Implements get_string_t -.
static void email_index_hook (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: index-format-hook - Implements get_string_t -.
static long email_lines (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Number of lines - Implements get_number_t -.
static void email_list_or_save_folder (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: List Name or Save folder - Implements get_string_t -.
static void email_message_flags (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Message tag flags - Implements get_string_t -.
static long email_number (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Index number - Implements get_number_t -.
static long email_score (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Message score - Implements get_number_t -.
static void email_size (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Number of bytes - Implements get_string_t -.
static long email_size_num (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Number of bytes - Implements get_number_t -.
static void email_status_flags (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Message status flags - Implements get_string_t -.
static void email_strf_recv_local (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Received local date and time - Implements get_string_t -.
static long email_strf_recv_local_num (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Local received date and time - Implements get_number_t -.
static void email_tags (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Message tags - Implements get_string_t -.
static void email_tags_transformed (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Individual tag - Implements get_string_t -.
static long email_thread_count (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Number of messages thread - Implements get_number_t -.
static void email_thread_hidden_count (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Number of hidden messages - Implements get_string_t -.
static long email_thread_hidden_count_num (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Number of hidden messages - Implements get_number_t -.
static long email_thread_number (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Thread index number - Implements get_number_t -.
static void email_thread_tags (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Tags - Implements get_string_t -.
static void email_to_chars (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: $to_chars flag - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_cc_all (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Cc recipients - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_first_name (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: First name - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_from (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Author Address - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_from_full (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Sender - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_initials (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Initials of author - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_list_address (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Email list - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_list_empty (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Mailing list - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_message_id (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Message-id - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_name (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Author's real name - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_newsgroup (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Newsgroup name - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_organization (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Organization - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_reply_to (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Reply-to address - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_sender (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Author name - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_sender_plain (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Plain author name - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_spam (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Spam attributes - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_subject (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Subject - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_thread_tree (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Thread tree - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_thread_x_label (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: X-Label (if different) - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_to (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: To field - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_to_all (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: To recipients - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_username (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: User name - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_x_comment_to (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: X-Comment-To - Implements get_string_t -.
static void envelope_x_label (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: X-Label - Implements get_string_t -.
static long mailbox_message_count (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags)
 Index: Total number of message - Implements get_number_t -.
static void mailbox_percentage (const struct ExpandoNode *node, void *data, MuttFormatFlags flags, struct Buffer *buf)
 Index: Progress indicator - Implements get_string_t -.


const struct ExpandoRenderCallback IndexRenderCallbacks []
 Callbacks for Index Expandos.

Detailed Description

String processing routines to generate the mail index.

  • Michael R. Elkins
  • Ian Zimmerman
  • Richard Russon
  • Stefan Assmann
  • Victor Fernandes
  • Pietro Cerutti
  • Ashish Panigrahi
  • Tóth János
  • наб
  • Dennis Schön

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Definition in file expando_index.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FieldType

enum FieldType

Header types.

Strings for printing headers


To: string.


Cc: string.


Bcc: string.


From: string.


Empty string.


Definition at line 73 of file expando_index.c.

Empty string.
Definition: expando_index.c:79
To: string.
Definition: expando_index.c:75
Cc: string.
Definition: expando_index.c:76
Bcc: string.
Definition: expando_index.c:77
Definition: expando_index.c:80
From: string.
Definition: expando_index.c:78

◆ IndexDateChoice

Which email date to display in the Index.


Date sent in the sender's timezone.


Date sent in the local timezone.


Date received in the local timezone.

Definition at line 86 of file expando_index.c.

Date sent in the local timezone.
Definition: expando_index.c:89
Date received in the local timezone.
Definition: expando_index.c:90
Date sent in the sender's timezone.
Definition: expando_index.c:88

Function Documentation

◆ make_from_prefix()

static const char * make_from_prefix ( enum FieldType  disp)

Create a prefix for an author field.

dispType of field
Return values
ptrPrefix string (do not free it)

If $from_chars is set, pick an appropriate character from it. If not, use the default prefix: "To", "Cc", etc

Definition at line 101 of file expando_index.c.

103 /* need 2 bytes at the end, one for the space, another for NUL */
104 static char padded[8];
105 static const char *long_prefixes[DISP_MAX] = {
106 [DISP_TO] = "To ", [DISP_CC] = "Cc ", [DISP_BCC] = "Bcc ",
107 [DISP_FROM] = "", [DISP_PLAIN] = "",
108 };
110 const struct MbTable *c_from_chars = cs_subset_mbtable(NeoMutt->sub, "from_chars");
112 if (!c_from_chars || !c_from_chars->chars || (c_from_chars->len == 0))
113 return long_prefixes[disp];
115 const char *pchar = mbtable_get_nth_wchar(c_from_chars, disp);
116 if (mutt_str_len(pchar) == 0)
117 return "";
119 snprintf(padded, sizeof(padded), "%s ", pchar);
120 return padded;
struct MbTable * cs_subset_mbtable(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name)
Get a Multibyte table config item by name.
Definition: helpers.c:119
const char * mbtable_get_nth_wchar(const struct MbTable *table, int index)
Extract one char from a multi-byte table.
Definition: mbtable.c:340
size_t mutt_str_len(const char *a)
Calculate the length of a string, safely.
Definition: string.c:497
Multibyte character table.
Definition: mbtable.h:36
int len
Number of characters.
Definition: mbtable.h:38
char ** chars
The array of multibyte character strings.
Definition: mbtable.h:39
Container for Accounts, Notifications.
Definition: neomutt.h:43
struct ConfigSubset * sub
Inherited config items.
Definition: neomutt.h:47
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_from()

static void make_from ( struct Envelope env,
char *  buf,
size_t  buflen,
bool  do_lists,
MuttFormatFlags  flags 

Generate a From: field (with optional prefix)

envEnvelope of the email
bufBuffer to store the result
buflenSize of the buffer
do_listsShould we check for mailing lists?
flagsFormat flags, see MuttFormatFlags

Generate the F or L field in $index_format. This is the author, or recipient of the email.

The field can optionally be prefixed by a character from $from_chars. If $from_chars is not set, the prefix will be, "To", "Cc", etc

Definition at line 137 of file expando_index.c.

140 if (!env || !buf)
141 return;
143 bool me;
144 enum FieldType disp;
145 struct AddressList *name = NULL;
149 if (do_lists || me)
150 {
151 if (check_for_mailing_list(&env->to, make_from_prefix(DISP_TO), buf, buflen))
152 return;
153 if (check_for_mailing_list(&env->cc, make_from_prefix(DISP_CC), buf, buflen))
154 return;
155 }
157 if (me && !TAILQ_EMPTY(&env->to))
158 {
159 disp = (flags & MUTT_FORMAT_PLAIN) ? DISP_PLAIN : DISP_TO;
160 name = &env->to;
161 }
162 else if (me && !TAILQ_EMPTY(&env->cc))
163 {
164 disp = DISP_CC;
165 name = &env->cc;
166 }
167 else if (me && !TAILQ_EMPTY(&env->bcc))
168 {
169 disp = DISP_BCC;
170 name = &env->bcc;
171 }
172 else if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&env->from))
173 {
174 disp = DISP_FROM;
175 name = &env->from;
176 }
177 else
178 {
179 *buf = '\0';
180 return;
181 }
183 snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s%s", make_from_prefix(disp), mutt_get_name(TAILQ_FIRST(name)));
bool mutt_addr_is_user(const struct Address *addr)
Does the address belong to the user.
Definition: alias.c:596
const char * mutt_get_name(const struct Address *a)
Pick the best name to display from an address.
Definition: sort.c:139
static const char * make_from_prefix(enum FieldType disp)
Create a prefix for an author field.
Header types.
Definition: expando_index.c:74
bool check_for_mailing_list(struct AddressList *al, const char *pfx, char *buf, int buflen)
Search list of addresses for a mailing list.
Definition: maillist.c:78
#define TAILQ_FIRST(head)
Definition: queue.h:780
#define TAILQ_EMPTY(head)
Definition: queue.h:778
Do not prepend DISP_TO, DISP_CC ...
Definition: render.h:39
struct AddressList to
Email's 'To' list.
Definition: envelope.h:60
struct AddressList cc
Email's 'Cc' list.
Definition: envelope.h:61
struct AddressList bcc
Email's 'Bcc' list.
Definition: envelope.h:62
struct AddressList from
Email's 'From' list.
Definition: envelope.h:59
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_from_addr()

static void make_from_addr ( struct Envelope env,
char *  buf,
size_t  buflen,
bool  do_lists 

Create a 'from' address for a reply email.

envEnvelope of current email
bufBuffer for the result
buflenLength of buffer
do_listsIf true, check for mailing lists

Definition at line 193 of file expando_index.c.

195 if (!env || !buf)
196 return;
198 bool me = mutt_addr_is_user(TAILQ_FIRST(&env->from));
200 if (do_lists || me)
201 {
202 if (check_for_mailing_list_addr(&env->to, buf, buflen))
203 return;
204 if (check_for_mailing_list_addr(&env->cc, buf, buflen))
205 return;
206 }
208 if (me && !TAILQ_EMPTY(&env->to))
209 snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", buf_string(TAILQ_FIRST(&env->to)->mailbox));
210 else if (me && !TAILQ_EMPTY(&env->cc))
211 snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", buf_string(TAILQ_FIRST(&env->cc)->mailbox));
212 else if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&env->from))
213 mutt_str_copy(buf, buf_string(TAILQ_FIRST(&env->from)->mailbox), buflen);
214 else
215 *buf = '\0';
static const char * buf_string(const struct Buffer *buf)
Convert a buffer to a const char * "string".
Definition: buffer.h:96
bool check_for_mailing_list_addr(struct AddressList *al, char *buf, int buflen)
Check an address list for a mailing list.
Definition: maillist.c:102
size_t mutt_str_copy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t dsize)
Copy a string into a buffer (guaranteeing NUL-termination)
Definition: string.c:582
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ user_in_addr()

static bool user_in_addr ( struct AddressList *  al)

Do any of the addresses refer to the user?

Return values
trueAny of the addresses match one of the user's addresses

Definition at line 223 of file expando_index.c.

225 struct Address *a = NULL;
226 TAILQ_FOREACH(a, al, entries)
227 if (mutt_addr_is_user(a))
228 return true;
229 return false;
#define TAILQ_FOREACH(var, head, field)
Definition: queue.h:782
An email address.
Definition: address.h:36
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ user_is_recipient()

static enum ToChars user_is_recipient ( struct Email e)

Is the user a recipient of the message.

eEmail to test
Return values
enumCharacter index into the $to_chars config variable

Definition at line 237 of file expando_index.c.

239 if (!e || !e->env)
242 struct Envelope *env = e->env;
244 if (!e->recip_valid)
245 {
246 e->recip_valid = true;
249 {
251 }
252 else if (user_in_addr(&env->to))
253 {
254 if (TAILQ_NEXT(TAILQ_FIRST(&env->to), entries) || !TAILQ_EMPTY(&env->cc))
255 e->recipient = FLAG_CHAR_TO_TO; /* non-unique recipient */
256 else
257 e->recipient = FLAG_CHAR_TO_UNIQUE; /* unique recipient */
258 }
259 else if (user_in_addr(&env->cc))
260 {
262 }
263 else if (check_for_mailing_list(&env->to, NULL, NULL, 0))
264 {
266 }
267 else if (check_for_mailing_list(&env->cc, NULL, NULL, 0))
268 {
270 }
271 else if (user_in_addr(&env->reply_to))
272 {
274 }
275 else
276 {
278 }
279 }
281 return e->recipient;
static bool user_in_addr(struct AddressList *al)
Do any of the addresses refer to the user?
Character denoting that the user is originator.
Definition: expando_index.h:71
Character denoting that the user is unique recipient.
Definition: expando_index.h:68
Character denoting that the user is not in list.
Definition: expando_index.h:67
Character denoting that the user is in the TO list.
Definition: expando_index.h:69
Character denoting that the user is in the CC list.
Definition: expando_index.h:70
Character denoting that the user is in the Reply-To list.
Definition: expando_index.h:73
Character denoting that the message is sent to a subscribed mailing list.
Definition: expando_index.h:72
#define TAILQ_NEXT(elm, field)
Definition: queue.h:889
bool recip_valid
Is_recipient is valid.
Definition: email.h:104
struct Envelope * env
Envelope information.
Definition: email.h:68
short recipient
User_is_recipient()'s return value, cached.
Definition: email.h:116
The header of an Email.
Definition: envelope.h:57
struct AddressList reply_to
Email's 'reply-to'.
Definition: envelope.h:64
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ thread_is_new()

static bool thread_is_new ( struct Email e)

Does the email thread contain any new emails?

Return values
trueThread contains new mail

Definition at line 289 of file expando_index.c.

291 return e->collapsed && (e->num_hidden > 1) && (mutt_thread_contains_unread(e) == 1);
#define mutt_thread_contains_unread(e)
Definition: mutt_thread.h:108
bool collapsed
Is this message part of a collapsed thread?
Definition: email.h:120
size_t num_hidden
Number of hidden messages in this view (only valid when collapsed is set)
Definition: email.h:123
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ thread_is_old()

static bool thread_is_old ( struct Email e)

Does the email thread contain any unread emails?

Return values
trueThread contains unread mail

Definition at line 299 of file expando_index.c.

301 return e->collapsed && (e->num_hidden > 1) && (mutt_thread_contains_unread(e) == 2);
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ index_email_date()

static void index_email_date ( const struct ExpandoNode node,
const struct Email e,
enum IndexDateChoice  which,
MuttFormatFlags  flags,
struct Buffer buf,
const char *  format 

Index: Sent/Received Local/Sender date and time.

nodeExpandoNode containing the callback
whichWhich date to use
flagsFlags, see MuttFormatFlags
bufBuffer for the result
formatFormat string

Definition at line 313 of file expando_index.c.

317 char *fmt = mutt_str_dup(format);
318 if (!fmt)
319 return;
321 struct tm tm = { 0 };
322 switch (which)
323 {
324 case SENT_SENDER:
325 {
327 int offset = (e->zhours * 3600 + e->zminutes * 60) * (e->zoccident ? -1 : 1);
328 const time_t now = e->date_sent + offset;
329 tm = mutt_date_gmtime(now);
330 tm.tm_gmtoff = offset;
331 break;
335 }
336 case SENT_LOCAL:
337 {
339 break;
340 }
341 case RECV_LOCAL:
342 {
344 break;
345 }
346 }
348 const bool use_c_locale = (*fmt == '!');
350 if (which != RECV_LOCAL)
351 {
352 // The sender's time zone might only be available as a numerical offset, so "%Z" behaves like "%z".
353 for (char *bigz = fmt; (bigz = strstr(bigz, "%Z")); bigz += 2)
354 {
355 bigz[1] = 'z';
356 }
357 }
359 char out[128] = { 0 };
360 if (use_c_locale)
361 {
362 strftime_l(out, sizeof(out), fmt + 1, &tm, NeoMutt->time_c_locale);
363 }
364 else
365 {
366 strftime(out, sizeof(out), fmt, &tm);
367 }
369 FREE(&fmt);
371 if (flags & MUTT_FORMAT_INDEX)
373 buf_strcpy(buf, out);
size_t buf_strcpy(struct Buffer *buf, const char *s)
Copy a string into a Buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:395
Index: date field.
Definition: color.h:90
#define FREE(x)
Definition: memory.h:55
struct tm mutt_date_localtime(time_t t)
Converts calendar time to a broken-down time structure expressed in user timezone.
Definition: date.c:906
struct tm mutt_date_gmtime(time_t t)
Converts calendar time to a broken-down time structure expressed in UTC timezone.
Definition: date.c:927
Definition: lib.h:111
char * mutt_str_dup(const char *str)
Copy a string, safely.
Definition: string.c:254
void node_expando_set_color(const struct ExpandoNode *node, int cid)
Set the colour for an Expando.
Definition: node_expando.c:100
This is a main index entry.
Definition: render.h:38
unsigned int zminutes
Minutes away from UTC.
Definition: email.h:57
bool zoccident
True, if west of UTC, False if east.
Definition: email.h:58
unsigned int zhours
Hours away from UTC.
Definition: email.h:56
time_t date_sent
Time when the message was sent (UTC)
Definition: email.h:60
time_t received
Time when the message was placed in the mailbox.
Definition: email.h:61
locale_t time_c_locale
Current locale but LC_TIME=C.
Definition: neomutt.h:49
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ IndexRenderCallbacks

const struct ExpandoRenderCallback IndexRenderCallbacks[]

Callbacks for Index Expandos.

See also
IndexFormatDef, ExpandoDataEmail, ExpandoDataEnvelope, ExpandoDataGlobal, ExpandoDataMailbox

Definition at line 1707 of file expando_index.c.