73 clearok(stdscr,
117 char buf[32] = { 0 };
134 pview.
banner =
static const char * buf_string(const struct Buffer *buf)
Convert a buffer to a const char * "string".
Convenience wrapper for the core headers.
GUI miscellaneous curses (window drawing) routines.
const char * dispatcher_get_retval_name(int rv)
Get the name of a return value.
Valid function - successfully performed.
Unknown function.
Valid function - error occurred.
Valid function - no action performed.
void mutt_enter_command(void)
Enter a neomutt command.
bool mutt_shell_escape(void)
Invoke a command in a subshell.
Manage where the email is piped to external commands.
#define mutt_file_fclose(FP)
#define mutt_file_fopen(PATH, MODE)
static const struct GlobalFunction GlobalFunctions[]
All the NeoMutt functions that the Global supports.
int global_function_dispatcher(struct MuttWindow *win, int op)
Perform a Global function - Implements function_dispatcher_t -.
static int op_redraw(int op)
Clear and redraw the screen - Implements global_function_t -.
static int op_check_stats(int op)
Calculate message statistics for all mailboxes - Implements global_function_t -.
static int op_enter_command(int op)
Enter a neomuttrc command - Implements global_function_t -.
static int op_shell_escape(int op)
Invoke a command in a subshell - Implements global_function_t -.
static int op_show_log_messages(int op)
Show log (and debug) messages - Implements global_function_t -.
static int op_what_key(int op)
display the keycode for a key press - Implements global_function_t -
static int op_version(int op)
Show the NeoMutt version number - Implements global_function_t -.
void mw_what_key(void)
Display the value of a key -.
#define mutt_message(...)
#define mutt_debug(LEVEL,...)
GUI manage the main index (list of emails)
struct Mailbox * get_current_mailbox(void)
Get the current Mailbox.
Log informational message.
Log at debug level 1.
size_t mutt_date_localtime_format(char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *format, time_t t)
Format localtime.
Convenience wrapper for the library headers.
const struct LogLineList log_queue_get(void)
Get the Log Queue.
const char * LogLevelAbbr
Abbreviations of logging level names.
Define wrapper functions around Curses.
void mutt_resize_screen(void)
Update NeoMutt's opinion about the window size.
int mutt_mailbox_check(struct Mailbox *m_cur, CheckStatsFlags flags)
Check all all Mailboxes for new mail.
Mailbox helper functions.
void window_redraw(struct MuttWindow *win)
Reflow, recalc and repaint a tree of Windows.
void window_invalidate_all(void)
Mark all windows as in need of repaint.
const char * mutt_make_version(void)
Generate the NeoMutt version string.
Some miscellaneous functions.
Ignore mail_check_stats and calculate statistics (used by <check-stats>)
Make sure the number of postponed messages is updated.
const char * opcodes_get_name(int op)
Get the name of an opcode.
All user-callable functions.
struct Buffer * buf_pool_get(void)
Get a Buffer from the pool.
void buf_pool_release(struct Buffer **ptr)
Return a Buffer to the pool.
#define STAILQ_FOREACH(var, head, field)
#define STAILQ_EMPTY(head)
String manipulation buffer.
global_function_t function
Function to call.
int op
Op code, e.g. OP_GLOBAL_NEXT.
char * message
Message to be logged.
enum LogLevel level
Log level, e.g. LL_DEBUG1.
time_t time
Timestamp of the message.
time_t last_checked
Last time we checked this mailbox for new mail.