110 for (
int i = 0; items[i].
name; i++)
112 if (!
make_help(menu, items[i].value,
_(items[i].name), buf))
138 while (win_focus && !win_focus->
139 win_focus = win_focus->
291 if (ew->
win != win_helpbar)
size_t buf_addch(struct Buffer *buf, char c)
Add a single character to a Buffer.
size_t buf_addstr(struct Buffer *buf, const char *s)
Add a string to a Buffer.
char * buf_strdup(const struct Buffer *buf)
Copy a Buffer's string.
Color and attribute parsing.
void mutt_color_observer_remove(observer_t callback, void *global_data)
Remove an observer.
void mutt_color_observer_add(observer_t callback, void *global_data)
Add an observer.
Status bar (takes a pattern)
Plain text.
bool cs_subset_bool(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name)
Get a boolean config item by name.
Convenience wrapper for the config headers.
Convenience wrapper for the core headers.
void mutt_paddstr(struct MuttWindow *win, int n, const char *s)
Display a string on screen, padded if necessary.
#define mutt_debug(LEVEL,...)
static int helpbar_color_observer(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
Notification that a Color has changed - Implements observer_t -.
static int helpbar_binding_observer(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
Notification that a Key Binding has changed - Implements observer_t -.
static int helpbar_window_observer(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
Notification that a Window has changed - Implements observer_t -.
static int helpbar_config_observer(struct NotifyCallback *nc)
Notification that a Config Variable has changed - Implements observer_t -.
static int helpbar_recalc(struct MuttWindow *win)
Recalculate the display of the Help Bar - Implements MuttWindow::recalc() -.
static int helpbar_repaint(struct MuttWindow *win)
Redraw the Help Bar - Implements MuttWindow::repaint() -.
void helpbar_wdata_free(struct MuttWindow *win, void **ptr)
Free Helpbar Window data - Implements MuttWindow::wdata_free() -.
Convenience wrapper for the gui headers.
struct HelpbarWindowData * helpbar_wdata_get(struct MuttWindow *win)
Get the Helpbar data for this window.
struct HelpbarWindowData * helpbar_wdata_new(void)
Create new Window data for the Helpbar.
static void compile_help(enum MenuType menu, const struct Mapping *items, struct Buffer *buf)
Create the text for the help menu.
static bool make_help(enum MenuType menu, int op, const char *txt, struct Buffer *buf)
Create one entry for the Help Bar.
struct MuttWindow * helpbar_new(void)
Create the Help Bar Window.
struct Keymap * km_find_func(enum MenuType mtype, int func)
Find a function's mapping in a Menu.
bool km_expand_key(struct Keymap *map, struct Buffer *buf)
Get the key string bound to a Keymap.
Key macro has been added.
Log at debug level 5.
Convenience wrapper for the library headers.
bool notify_observer_remove(struct Notify *notify, const observer_t callback, const void *global_data)
Remove an observer from an object.
bool notify_observer_add(struct Notify *notify, enum NotifyType type, observer_t callback, void *global_data)
Add an observer to an object.
bool mutt_str_equal(const char *a, const char *b)
Compare two strings.
const struct AttrColor * mutt_curses_set_normal_backed_color_by_id(enum ColorId cid)
Set the colour and attributes by the Colour ID.
const struct AttrColor * mutt_curses_set_color_by_id(enum ColorId cid)
Set the colour and attributes by the Colour ID.
bool mutt_window_is_visible(struct MuttWindow *win)
Is the Window visible?
void mutt_window_reflow(struct MuttWindow *win)
Resize a Window and its children.
struct MuttWindow * mutt_window_new(enum WindowType type, enum MuttWindowOrientation orient, enum MuttWindowSize size, int cols, int rows)
Create a new Window.
struct MuttWindow * window_get_focus(void)
Get the currently focused Window.
int mutt_window_move(struct MuttWindow *win, int row, int col)
Move the cursor in a Window.
#define WA_RECALC
Recalculate the contents of the Window.
Help Bar containing list of useful key bindings.
Window uses all available vertical space.
Window state has changed, e.g. WN_VISIBLE.
Window is about to be deleted.
Window focus has changed.
#define WA_REPAINT
Redraw the contents of the Window.
Use as much space as possible.
Window has a fixed size.
MuttWindow has changed, NotifyWindow, EventWindow.
Config has changed, NotifyConfig, EventConfig.
Colour has changed, NotifyColor, EventColor.
Key binding has changed, NotifyBinding, EventBinding.
struct Buffer * buf_pool_get(void)
Get a Buffer from the pool.
void buf_pool_release(struct Buffer **ptr)
Return a Buffer to the pool.
struct MuttWindow * RootWindow
Parent of all Windows.
String manipulation buffer.
struct Notify * notify
Notifications: NotifyConfig, EventConfig.
enum MenuType menu
Menu, e.g. MENU_PAGER.
An Event that happened to a Colour.
enum ColorId cid
Colour ID that has changed.
const char * name
Name of config item that changed.
An Event that happened to a Window.
struct MuttWindow * win
Window that changed.
int help_menu
Menu for key bindings, e.g. MENU_PAGER.
char * help_str
Formatted Help Bar string.
const struct Mapping * help_data
Data for the Help Bar.
Mapping between user-readable string and a constant.
const char * name
String value.
const struct Mapping * help_data
Data for the Help Bar.
int(* repaint)(struct MuttWindow *win)
struct WindowState state
Current state of the Window.
void * wdata
Private data.
struct Notify * notify
Notifications: NotifyWindow, EventWindow.
int(* recalc)(struct MuttWindow *win)
void(* wdata_free)(struct MuttWindow *win, void **ptr)
int help_menu
Menu for key bindings, e.g. MENU_PAGER.
struct MuttWindow * parent
Parent Window.
WindowActionFlags actions
Actions to be performed, e.g. WA_RECALC.
Container for Accounts, Notifications.
struct Notify * notify
Notifications handler.
struct ConfigSubset * sub
Inherited config items.
Data passed to a notification function.
void * event_data
Data from notify_send()
enum NotifyType event_type
Send: Event type, e.g. NT_ACCOUNT.
int event_subtype
Send: Event subtype, e.g. NT_ACCOUNT_ADD.
void * global_data
Data from notify_observer_add()
bool visible
Window is visible.
short cols
Number of columns, can be MUTT_WIN_SIZE_UNLIMITED.
Types of GUI selections.
Generic selection list.