NeoMutt  2025-01-09-146-g8c4f7e
Teaching an old dog new tricks
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Encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify emails.

File Description
ncrypt/config.c Config used by libncrypt
ncrypt/crypt.c Signing/encryption multiplexor
ncrypt/crypt_gpgme.c Wrapper for PGP/SMIME calls to GPGME
ncrypt/crypt_mod.c Register crypto modules
ncrypt/crypt_mod_pgp_classic.c Wrappers for calls to CLI PGP
ncrypt/crypt_mod_pgp_gpgme.c Wrappers for calls to GPGME PGP
ncrypt/crypt_mod_smime_classic.c Wrappers for calls to CLI SMIME
ncrypt/crypt_mod_smime_gpgme.c Wrappers for calls to GPGME SMIME
ncrypt/cryptglue.c Wrapper around crypto functions
ncrypt/dlg_gpgme.c GPGME Key Selection Dialog
ncrypt/dlg_pgp.c PGP Key Selection Dialog
ncrypt/dlg_smime.c SMIME Key Selection Dialog
ncrypt/expando_command.c Ncrypt Expando definitions
ncrypt/expando_gpgme.c Ncrypt Expando definitions
ncrypt/expando_pgp.c Ncrypt Expando definitions
ncrypt/expando_smime.c Ncrypt Expando definitions
ncrypt/functions.c PGP/Smime functions
ncrypt/gnupgparse.c Parse the output of CLI PGP program
ncrypt/gpgme_functions.c Gpgme functions
ncrypt/pgp.c PGP sign, encrypt, check routines
ncrypt/pgp_functions.c Pgp functions
ncrypt/pgpinvoke.c Wrapper around calls to external PGP program
ncrypt/pgpkey.c PGP key management routines
ncrypt/pgplib.c Misc PGP helper routines
ncrypt/pgpmicalg.c Identify the hash algorithm from a PGP signature
ncrypt/pgppacket.c Parse PGP data packets
ncrypt/smime.c SMIME helper routines
ncrypt/smime_functions.c Smime functions
ncrypt/sort_gpgme.c GPGME Key Sorting
ncrypt/sort_pgp.c PGP Key Sorting