75 {
"Exit"), OP_EXIT },
76 {
"PrevPg"), OP_PREV_PAGE },
77 {
"NextPg"), OP_NEXT_PAGE },
78 {
"Help"), OP_HELP },
86 {
"Exit"), OP_EXIT },
87 {
"PrevPg"), OP_PREV_PAGE },
88 {
"NextPg"), OP_NEXT_PAGE },
96 {
"Exit"), OP_EXIT },
97 {
"PrevPg"), OP_PREV_PAGE },
98 {
"NextPg"), OP_NEXT_PAGE },
99 {
"View Attachm."), OP_VIEW_ATTACHMENTS },
100 {
"Del"), OP_DELETE },
101 {
"Reply"), OP_REPLY },
102 {
103 {
"Help"), OP_HELP },
111 {
"Exit"), OP_EXIT },
112 {
"PrevPg"), OP_PREV_PAGE },
113 {
"NextPg"), OP_NEXT_PAGE },
114 {
"Post"), OP_POST },
115 {
"Followup"), OP_FOLLOWUP },
116 {
"Del"), OP_DELETE },
117 {
118 {
"Help"), OP_HELP },
142 const struct Mapping *result = NULL;
292 memset(priv, 0,
306 if (c_pager_read_delay == 0)
328 for (
size_t i = 0; i < priv->
lines_max; i++)
381 if (c_braille_friendly)
402 bool do_new_mail =
449 if (c_new_mail_command)
465 clearok(stdscr,
554 for (
size_t i = 0; i < priv->
lines_max; i++)
582 return (priv->
rc != -1) ? priv->
rc : 0;
void attr_color_list_clear(struct AttrColorList *acl)
Free the contents of an AttrColorList.
bool buf_is_empty(const struct Buffer *buf)
Is the Buffer empty?
static const char * buf_string(const struct Buffer *buf)
Convert a buffer to a const char * "string".
Color and attribute parsing.
void mutt_pattern_free(struct PatternList **pat)
Free a Pattern.
short cs_subset_number(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name)
Get a number config item by name.
bool cs_subset_bool(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name)
Get a boolean config item by name.
const struct Expando * cs_subset_expando(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name)
Get an Expando config item by name.
Convenience wrapper for the config headers.
Convenience wrapper for the core headers.
Supported mailbox formats.
'NNTP' (Usenet) Mailbox type
Mailbox wasn't recognised.
void mutt_refresh(void)
Force a refresh of the screen.
void mutt_beep(bool force)
Irritate the user.
void mutt_flushinp(void)
Empty all the keyboard buffers.
Convenience wrapper for the debug headers.
static void dump_pager(struct PagerPrivateData *priv)
static int color_debug(enum LogLevel level, const char *format,...)
struct MuttWindow * dialog_find(struct MuttWindow *win)
Find the parent Dialog of a Window.
Unknown function.
Structs that make up an email.
#define mutt_file_fclose(FP)
#define mutt_file_fopen(PATH, MODE)
void mutt_set_flag(struct Mailbox *m, struct Email *e, enum MessageType flag, bool bf, bool upd_mbox)
Set a flag on an email.
int km_dokey(enum MenuType mtype, GetChFlags flags)
Determine what a keypress should do.
void km_error_key(enum MenuType mtype)
Handle an unbound key sequence.
int pager_function_dispatcher(struct MuttWindow *win, int op)
Perform a Pager function - Implements function_dispatcher_t -.
int sb_function_dispatcher(struct MuttWindow *win, int op)
Perform a Sidebar function - Implements function_dispatcher_t -.
int global_function_dispatcher(struct MuttWindow *win, int op)
Perform a Global function - Implements function_dispatcher_t -.
int index_function_dispatcher(struct MuttWindow *win, int op)
Perform an Index function - Implements function_dispatcher_t -.
int dlg_pager(struct PagerView *pview)
Display an email, attachment, or help, in a window -.
#define mutt_message(...)
#define mutt_debug(LEVEL,...)
Convenience wrapper for the gui headers.
GUI manage the main index (list of emails)
No flags are set.
Log at debug level 5.
Log at debug level 1.
#define MUTT_MEM_CALLOC(n, type)
void msgwin_clear_text(struct MuttWindow *win)
Clear the text in the Message Window.
uint64_t mutt_date_now_ms(void)
Return the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Convenience wrapper for the library headers.
static const char * timestamp(time_t stamp)
Create a YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS timestamp.
Many unsorted constants and some structs.
Messages that have been read.
void mutt_resize_screen(void)
Update NeoMutt's opinion about the window size.
void mutt_clear_error(void)
Clear the message line (bottom line of screen)
bool mutt_mailbox_notify(struct Mailbox *m_cur)
Notify the user if there's new mail.
Mailbox helper functions.
void window_redraw(struct MuttWindow *win)
Reflow, recalc and repaint a tree of Windows.
void mutt_window_reflow(struct MuttWindow *win)
Resize a Window and its children.
struct MuttWindow * window_set_focus(struct MuttWindow *win)
Set the Window focus.
int mutt_window_move(struct MuttWindow *win, int row, int col)
Move the cursor in a Window.
void window_set_visible(struct MuttWindow *win, bool visible)
Set a Window visible or hidden.
struct MuttWindow * window_find_child(struct MuttWindow *win, enum WindowType type)
Recursively find a child Window of a given type.
void window_invalidate_all(void)
Mark all windows as in need of repaint.
#define WA_RECALC
Recalculate the contents of the Window.
Side panel containing Accounts or groups of data.
Window wants as much space as possible.
enum MxStatus mx_mbox_check(struct Mailbox *m)
Check for new mail - Wrapper for MxOps::mbox_check()
Return values from mbox_check(), mbox_check_stats(), mbox_sync(), and mbox_close()
An error occurred.
Nondestructive flags change (IMAP)
Mailbox was reopened.
New mail received in Mailbox.
const char * opcodes_get_name(int op)
Get the name of an opcode.
Match patterns to emails.
struct Buffer * buf_pool_get(void)
Get a Buffer from the pool.
void buf_pool_release(struct Buffer **ptr)
Return a Buffer to the pool.
Prototypes for many functions.
int mutt_system(const char *cmd)
Run an external command.
void qstyle_free_tree(struct QuoteStyle **quote_list)
Free an entire tree of QuoteStyle.
#define TAILQ_FOREACH(var, head, field)
volatile sig_atomic_t SigWinch
true after SIGWINCH is received
void menu_status_line(struct Buffer *buf, struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct Menu *menu, int max_cols, const struct Expando *exp)
Create the status line.
A curses colour and its attributes.
struct Email * email
header information for message/rfc822
String manipulation buffer.
The envelope/body of an email.
int msgno
Number displayed to the user.
Data shared between Index, Pager and Sidebar.
struct Email * email
Currently selected Email.
struct Mailbox * mailbox
Current Mailbox.
bool attach_msg
Are we in "attach message" mode?
struct MailboxView * mailbox_view
Current Mailbox view.
struct SearchState * search_state
State of the current search.
A line of text in the pager.
short search_arr_size
Number of items in search array.
struct TextSyntax * search
Array of search text in the line.
short cid
Default line colour, e.g. MT_COLOR_SIGNATURE.
struct TextSyntax * syntax
Array of coloured text in the line.
int msg_in_pager
Message currently shown in the pager.
int msg_count
Total number of messages.
enum MailboxType type
Mailbox type.
struct Email ** emails
Array of Emails.
struct Buffer pathbuf
Path of the Mailbox.
Mapping between user-readable string and a constant.
const struct Mapping * help_data
Data for the Help Bar.
struct WindowState state
Current state of the Window.
void * wdata
Private data.
int help_menu
Menu for key bindings, e.g. MENU_PAGER.
struct MuttWindow * parent
Parent Window.
WindowActionFlags actions
Actions to be performed, e.g. WA_RECALC.
enum MuttWindowSize size
Type of Window, e.g. MUTT_WIN_SIZE_FIXED.
Container for Accounts, Notifications.
struct ConfigSubset * sub
Inherited config items.
struct PatternList * pattern
compiled search pattern
Highlighting for a piece of text.
short cols
Number of columns, can be MUTT_WIN_SIZE_UNLIMITED.
Pager pager (email viewer)