NeoMutt  2025-01-09-144-gb44c67
Teaching an old dog new tricks
No Matches
functions.c File Reference

Index functions. More...

#include "config.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mutt/lib.h"
#include "config/lib.h"
#include "email/lib.h"
#include "core/lib.h"
#include "alias/lib.h"
#include "gui/lib.h"
#include "mutt.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "attach/lib.h"
#include "browser/lib.h"
#include "editor/lib.h"
#include "history/lib.h"
#include "imap/lib.h"
#include "key/lib.h"
#include "menu/lib.h"
#include "ncrypt/lib.h"
#include "nntp/lib.h"
#include "pager/lib.h"
#include "pattern/lib.h"
#include "pop/lib.h"
#include "progress/lib.h"
#include "question/lib.h"
#include "send/lib.h"
#include "external.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "hook.h"
#include "mutt_header.h"
#include "mutt_mailbox.h"
#include "mutt_thread.h"
#include "muttlib.h"
#include "mview.h"
#include "mx.h"
#include "nntp/mdata.h"
#include "private_data.h"
#include "protos.h"
#include "shared_data.h"
#include "autocrypt/lib.h"
#include "notmuch/lib.h"
#include <libintl.h>
+ Include dependency graph for functions.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


 How to advance the cursor. More...


static bool resolve_email (struct IndexPrivateData *priv, struct IndexSharedData *shared, enum ResolveMethod rm)
 Pick the next Email to advance the cursor to.
bool index_next_undeleted (struct MuttWindow *win_index)
 Select the next undeleted Email (if possible)
static int op_alias_dialog (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Open the aliases dialog - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_attachment_edit_type (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Edit attachment content type - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_bounce_message (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Remail a message to another user - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_check_traditional (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Check for classic PGP - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_compose_to_sender (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Compose new message to the current message sender - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_create_alias (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Create an alias from a message sender - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_delete (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Delete the current entry - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_delete_thread (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Delete all messages in thread - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_display_address (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Display full address of sender - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_display_message (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Display a message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_edit_label (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Add, change, or delete a message's label - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_edit_raw_message (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Edit the raw message (edit and edit-raw-message are synonyms) - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_end_cond (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 End of conditional execution (noop) - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_exit (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Exit this menu - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_extract_keys (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Extract supported public keys - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_flag_message (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Toggle a message's 'important' flag - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_forget_passphrase (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Wipe passphrases from memory - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_forward_message (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Forward a message with comments - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_group_reply (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Reply to all recipients - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_jump (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Jump to an index number - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_list_reply (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Reply to specified mailing list - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_list_subscribe (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Subscribe to a mailing list - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_list_unsubscribe (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Unsubscribe from mailing list - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_mail (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Compose a new mail message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_mailbox_list (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 List mailboxes with new mail - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_mail_key (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Mail a PGP public key - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_break_thread (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Break the thread in two - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_change_folder (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Open a different folder - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_collapse_all (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Collapse/uncollapse all threads - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_collapse_thread (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Collapse/uncollapse current thread - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_delete_pattern (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Delete messages matching a pattern - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_limit (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Limit view to a pattern/thread - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_link_threads (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Link tagged message to the current one - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_modify_tags (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Modify (notmuch/imap) tags - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_next_new (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Jump to the next new message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_next_thread (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Jump to the next thread - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_next_undeleted (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Move to the next undeleted message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_next_unread_mailbox (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Open next mailbox with unread mail - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_prev_undeleted (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Move to the previous undeleted message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_quasi_delete (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Delete from NeoMutt, don't touch on disk - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_read_thread (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Mark the current thread as read - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_root_message (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Jump to root message in thread - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_set_flag (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Set a status flag on a message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_show_limit (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Show currently active limit pattern - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_sync_folder (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Save changes to mailbox - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_tag_pattern (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Tag messages matching a pattern - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_undelete_pattern (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Undelete messages matching a pattern - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_untag_pattern (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Untag messages matching a pattern - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_mark_msg (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Create a hotkey macro for the current message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_next_entry (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Move to the next entry - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_pipe (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Pipe message/attachment to a shell command - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_prev_entry (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Move to the previous entry - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_print (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Print the current entry - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_query (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Query external program for addresses - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_quit (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Save changes to mailbox and quit - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_recall_message (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Recall a postponed message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_reply (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Reply to a message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_resend (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Use the current message as a template for a new one - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_save (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Make decrypted copy - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_search (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Search for a regular expression - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_sort (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Sort messages - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_tag (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Tag the current entry - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_tag_thread (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Tag the current thread - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_toggle_new (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Toggle a message's 'new' flag - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_toggle_write (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Toggle whether the mailbox will be rewritten - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_undelete (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Undelete the current entry - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_undelete_thread (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Undelete all messages in thread - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_view_attachments (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Show MIME attachments - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_autocrypt_acct_menu (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Manage autocrypt accounts - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_imap_fetch (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Force retrieval of mail from IMAP server - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_imap_logout_all (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Logout from all IMAP servers - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_catchup (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Mark all articles in newsgroup as read - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_get_children (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Get all children of the current message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_get_message (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Get parent of the current message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_change_group (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Open a different newsgroup - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_post (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Followup to newsgroup - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_entire_thread (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Read entire thread of the current message - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_vfolder_from_query (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Generate virtual folder from query - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_windowed_vfolder (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Shifts virtual folder time window - Implements index_function_t -.
static int op_main_fetch_mail (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct IndexPrivateData *priv, int op)
 Retrieve mail from POP server - Implements index_function_t -.
static bool prereq (struct IndexSharedData *shared, struct Menu *menu, CheckFlags checks)
 Check the pre-requisites for a function.
int index_function_dispatcher (struct MuttWindow *win, int op)
 Perform an Index function - Implements function_dispatcher_t -.


const struct MenuFuncOp OpIndex []
 Functions for the Index Menu.
const struct MenuOpSeq IndexDefaultBindings []
 Key bindings for the Index Menu.
static const struct IndexFunction IndexFunctions []
 All the NeoMutt functions that the Index supports.

Detailed Description

Index functions.

  • Pietro Cerutti
  • Richard Russon
  • Dennis Schön

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Definition in file functions.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ResolveMethod

How to advance the cursor.


Next email, whatever its state.


Next undeleted email.


Next top-level thread.


Next sibling sub-thread.

Definition at line 326 of file functions.c.

Next sibling sub-thread.
Definition: functions.c:331
Next undeleted email.
Definition: functions.c:329
Next email, whatever its state.
Definition: functions.c:328
Next top-level thread.
Definition: functions.c:330

Function Documentation

◆ resolve_email()

static bool resolve_email ( struct IndexPrivateData priv,
struct IndexSharedData shared,
enum ResolveMethod  rm 

Pick the next Email to advance the cursor to.

privPrivate Index data
sharedShared Index data
rmHow to advance the cursor, e.g. RESOLVE_NEXT_EMAIL
Return values
trueResolve succeeded

Definition at line 341 of file functions.c.

344 if (!priv || !priv->menu || !shared || !shared->mailbox || !shared->email)
345 return false;
347 const bool c_resolve = cs_subset_bool(shared->sub, "resolve");
348 if (!c_resolve)
349 return false;
351 int index = -1;
352 switch (rm)
353 {
355 index = menu_get_index(priv->menu) + 1;
356 break;
359 {
360 const bool uncollapse = mutt_using_threads() && !window_is_focused(priv->win_index);
361 index = find_next_undeleted(shared->mailbox_view, menu_get_index(priv->menu), uncollapse);
362 break;
363 }
366 index = mutt_next_thread(shared->email);
367 break;
370 index = mutt_next_subthread(shared->email);
371 break;
372 }
374 if ((index < 0) || (index >= shared->mailbox->vcount))
375 {
376 // Resolve failed
377 notify_send(shared->notify, NT_INDEX, NT_INDEX_EMAIL, NULL);
378 return false;
379 }
381 menu_set_index(priv->menu, index);
382 return true;
bool cs_subset_bool(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name)
Get a boolean config item by name.
Definition: helpers.c:47
int find_next_undeleted(struct MailboxView *mv, int msgno, bool uncollapse)
Find the next undeleted email.
Definition: dlg_index.c:241
Email has changed.
Definition: lib.h:71
int menu_get_index(struct Menu *menu)
Get the current selection in the Menu.
Definition: menu.c:160
MenuRedrawFlags menu_set_index(struct Menu *menu, int index)
Set the current selection in the Menu.
Definition: menu.c:174
bool notify_send(struct Notify *notify, enum NotifyType event_type, int event_subtype, void *event_data)
Send out a notification message.
Definition: notify.c:173
#define mutt_using_threads()
Definition: mutt_thread.h:113
#define mutt_next_subthread(e)
Definition: mutt_thread.h:120
#define mutt_next_thread(e)
Definition: mutt_thread.h:118
bool window_is_focused(const struct MuttWindow *win)
Does the given Window have the focus?
Definition: mutt_window.c:619
Index data has changed, NotifyIndex, IndexSharedData.
Definition: notify_type.h:48
struct MuttWindow * win_index
Window for the Index.
Definition: private_data.h:42
struct Menu * menu
Menu controlling the index.
Definition: private_data.h:41
struct Email * email
Currently selected Email.
Definition: shared_data.h:42
struct Mailbox * mailbox
Current Mailbox.
Definition: shared_data.h:41
struct ConfigSubset * sub
Config set to use.
Definition: shared_data.h:38
struct MailboxView * mailbox_view
Current Mailbox view.
Definition: shared_data.h:40
struct Notify * notify
Notifications: NotifyIndex, IndexSharedData.
Definition: shared_data.h:44
int vcount
The number of virtual messages.
Definition: mailbox.h:99
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ index_next_undeleted()

bool index_next_undeleted ( struct MuttWindow win_index)

Select the next undeleted Email (if possible)

win_indexIndex Window
Return values
trueSelection succeeded

Definition at line 390 of file functions.c.

392 struct MuttWindow *dlg = dialog_find(win_index);
393 if (!dlg)
394 return false;
396 struct Menu *menu = win_index->wdata;
397 struct IndexSharedData *shared = dlg->wdata;
398 if (!shared)
399 return false;
401 struct IndexPrivateData *priv = win_index->parent->wdata;
402 const bool uncollapse = mutt_using_threads() && !window_is_focused(priv->win_index);
404 int index = find_next_undeleted(shared->mailbox_view, menu_get_index(menu), uncollapse);
405 if ((index < 0) || (index >= shared->mailbox->vcount))
406 {
407 // Selection failed
409 return false;
410 }
412 menu_set_index(menu, index);
413 return true;
struct MuttWindow * dialog_find(struct MuttWindow *win)
Find the parent Dialog of a Window.
Definition: dialog.c:89
Private state data for the Index.
Definition: private_data.h:35
struct IndexSharedData * shared
Shared Index data.
Definition: private_data.h:40
Data shared between Index, Pager and Sidebar.
Definition: shared_data.h:37
Definition: lib.h:79
void * wdata
Private data.
Definition: mutt_window.h:145
struct MuttWindow * parent
Parent Window.
Definition: mutt_window.h:135
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ prereq()

static bool prereq ( struct IndexSharedData shared,
struct Menu menu,
CheckFlags  checks 

Check the pre-requisites for a function.

sharedIndex shared data
menuCurrent Menu
checksChecks to perform, see CheckFlags
Return values
trueThe checks pass successfully

Definition at line 3065 of file functions.c.

3067 bool result = true;
3068 struct MailboxView *mv = shared->mailbox_view;
3071 checks |= CHECK_IN_MAILBOX;
3073 if ((checks & CHECK_IN_MAILBOX) && (!mv || !mv->mailbox))
3074 {
3075 mutt_error(_("No mailbox is open"));
3076 result = false;
3077 }
3079 if (result && (checks & CHECK_MSGCOUNT) && (mv->mailbox->msg_count == 0))
3080 {
3081 mutt_error(_("There are no messages"));
3082 result = false;
3083 }
3085 int index = menu_get_index(menu);
3086 if (result && (checks & CHECK_VISIBLE) &&
3087 ((index < 0) || (index >= mv->mailbox->vcount)))
3088 {
3089 mutt_error(_("No visible messages"));
3090 result = false;
3091 }
3093 if (result && (checks & CHECK_READONLY) && mv->mailbox->readonly)
3094 {
3095 mutt_error(_("Mailbox is read-only"));
3096 result = false;
3097 }
3099 if (result && (checks & CHECK_ATTACH) && shared->attach_msg)
3100 {
3101 mutt_error(_("Function not permitted in attach-message mode"));
3102 result = false;
3103 }
3105 if (!result)
3106 mutt_flushinp();
3108 return result;
void mutt_flushinp(void)
Empty all the keyboard buffers.
Definition: get.c:58
#define mutt_error(...)
Definition: logging2.h:93
Is the user in message-attach mode?
Definition: lib.h:79
Is the selected message visible in the index?
Definition: lib.h:77
Is there a mailbox open?
Definition: lib.h:75
Is the mailbox readonly?
Definition: lib.h:78
Are there any messages?
Definition: lib.h:76
#define _(a)
Definition: message.h:28
bool attach_msg
Are we in "attach message" mode?
Definition: shared_data.h:46
View of a Mailbox.
Definition: mview.h:40
struct Menu * menu
Needed for pattern compilation.
Definition: mview.h:47
struct Mailbox * mailbox
Current Mailbox.
Definition: mview.h:51
int msg_count
Total number of messages.
Definition: mailbox.h:88
bool readonly
Don't allow changes to the mailbox.
Definition: mailbox.h:116
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ OpIndex

const struct MenuFuncOp OpIndex[]

Functions for the Index Menu.

Definition at line 90 of file functions.c.

◆ IndexDefaultBindings

const struct MenuOpSeq IndexDefaultBindings[]

Key bindings for the Index Menu.

Definition at line 235 of file functions.c.

◆ IndexFunctions

const struct IndexFunction IndexFunctions[]

All the NeoMutt functions that the Index supports.

Definition at line 3114 of file functions.c.