Forgotten Attachment Feature

Alert user when (s)he forgets to attach a file to an outgoing email.

1. Support

Since: NeoMutt 2016-09-10

Dependencies: None

2. Introduction

The forgotten-attachment feature provides a new setting for NeoMutt that alerts the user if the message body contains a certain keyword but there are no attachments added. This is meant to ensure that the user does not forget to attach a file after promising to do so in the mail. The attachment keyword will not be scanned in text matched by $quote_regex.

3. Variables

Table 17.1. forgotten-attachment Variables

Name Type Default
abort_noattach_regex regular expression \\<(attach|attached|attachments?)\\>
abort_noattach quadoption no

4. neomuttrc

# Example NeoMutt config file for the forgotten-attachment feature.

# The 'forgotten-attachment' feature provides a new setting for NeoMutt that
# alerts the user if the message body contains a certain regular expression but there are
# no attachments added. This is meant to ensure that the user does not forget
# to attach a file after promising to do so in the mail.

# Ask if the user wishes to abort sending if $abort_noattach_regex is found in the
# body, but no attachments have been added
# It can be set to:
#    "yes"     : always abort
#    "ask-yes" : ask whether to abort
#    "no"      : send the mail
set abort_noattach = no
# Search for the following regular expression in the body of the email
# English: attach, attached, attachment, attachments
set abort_noattach_regex = "\\<attach(|ed|ments?)\\>"
# Nederlands:
# set abort_noattach_regex = "\\<(bijvoegen|bijgevoegd|bijlage|bijlagen)\\>"
# Deutsch:
# set abort_noattach_regex = "\\<(anhängen|angehängt|anhang|anhänge|hängt an)\\>"
# Français:
# set abort_noattach_regex = "\\<(attaché|attachés|attache|attachons|joint|jointe|joints|jointes|joins|joignons)\\>"

# vim: syntax=neomuttrc

6. Known Bugs


7. Credits

Darshit Shah, Richard Russon, Johannes Weißl, Steven Ragnarök

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