Ifdef Feature

Conditional config options

1. Support

Since: NeoMutt 2016-03-07

Dependencies: None

2. Introduction

The ifdef feature introduces three new commands to NeoMutt and allows you to share one config file between versions of NeoMutt that may have different features compiled in.

ifdef  symbol "config-command [args...]"
# If a symbol is defined
ifndef symbol "config-command [args...]"
# If a symbol is not defined
# Finish reading the current file

Table 20.1. ifdef Symbols

Example Symbol Description
sidebar_format Config variable
status-color, imap Compiled-in feature
pgp-menu, group-related Function
index-format-hook, tag-transforms Command
my_var My variable
lmdb, tokyocabinet Store (database)
HOME, COLUMNS Environment variable

A list of compile-time symbols can be seen in the output of the command

neomutt -v

(in the Compile options section).

finish is particularly useful when combined with ifndef. e.g.

# Sidebar config file
ifndef sidebar finish

3. Commands

ifdef symbol "config-command [args...]"
ifndef symbol "config-command [args...]"

4. neomuttrc

# Example NeoMutt config file for the ifdef feature.

# This feature introduces three useful commands which allow you to share
# one config file between versions of NeoMutt that may have different
# features compiled in.

#   ifdef  symbol "config-command [args...]"
#   ifndef symbol "config-command [args...]"
#   finish
# The 'ifdef' command tests whether NeoMutt understands the name of
# a variable, environment variable, function, command or compile-time symbol.

# If it does, then it executes a config command.

# The 'ifndef' command tests whether a symbol does NOT exist.

# The 'finish' command tells NeoMutt to stop reading current config file.

# If the 'trash' variable exists, set it.
ifdef trash 'set trash=~/Mail/trash'
# If the 'PS1' environment variable exists, source config file.
ifdef PS1 'source .neomutt/interactive.rc'
# If the 'tag-pattern' function exists, bind a key to it.
ifdef tag-pattern 'bind index <F6> tag-pattern'
# If the 'imap-fetch-mail' command exists, read my IMAP config.
ifdef imap-fetch-mail 'source ~/.neomutt/imap.rc'
# If the compile-time symbol 'sidebar' does not exist, then
# stop reading the current config file.
ifndef sidebar finish

# vim: syntax=neomuttrc

5. Known Bugs


6. Credits

Cedric Duval, Matteo F. Vescovi, Richard Russon

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