Quasi-Delete Feature

Mark emails that should be hidden, but not deleted

1. Support

Since: NeoMutt 2016-03-07

Dependencies: None

2. Introduction

The quasi-delete function marks an email that should be hidden from the index, but NOT deleted. The email will disappear from the index when <sync-mailbox>is called.

On its own, this feature isn't very useful. It forms a useful part of the notmuch plugin.

3. Functions

Table 34.1. Quasi-Delete Functions

Menus Default Key Function Description
index,pager (none) <quasi-delete> delete from NeoMutt, don't touch on disk

4. neomuttrc

# Example NeoMutt config file for the quasi-delete feature.

# The 'quasi-delete' function marks an email that should be hidden
# from the index, but NOT deleted.
bind index,pager Q quasi-delete

# vim: syntax=neomuttrc

5. See Also

6. Known Bugs


7. Credits

Karel Zak, Richard Russon

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