NNTP Feature

Talk to a Usenet news server

1. Support

Since: NeoMutt 2016-05-30

Dependencies: None

2. Introduction

Reading news via NNTP

NeoMutt can read from a news server using NNTP.

The default news server can be obtained from the $NNTPSERVER environment variable or from the /etc/nntpserver file. Like in other news readers, information about the subscribed newsgroups is saved in the file specified by the $newsrc variable. You can open a newsgroup with the function <change-newsgroup>

When browsing the list of newsgroups on the server the function <subscribe> can be used to tell NeoMutt the groups of interest to you. This list is stored in the $newsrc file, so NeoMutt remembers it across invocations (see also $save_unsubscribed). With the <unsubscribe> function a group can be deleted from that list. You can also specify the list of interesting groups with the mailboxes command in your config file.

When checking for new messages, NeoMutt only polls the subscribed newsgroups.

The variable $news_cache_dir can be used to point to a directory. NeoMutt will create a hierarchy of subdirectories named like the account and newsgroup the cache is for. The hierarchy is also used to store header cache if NeoMutt was compiled with header cache support.

3. Variables

Table 29.1. NNTP Variables

Name Type Default
ask_followup_to boolean no
ask_x_comment_to boolean no
catchup_newsgroup quad ask-yes
followup_to_poster quad ask-yes
group_index_format string %4C %M%N %5s %-45.45f %d
inews string (empty)
newsgroups_charset string utf-8
newsrc string ~/.newsrc
news_cache_dir string ~/.neomutt
news_server string (empty)
nntp_authenticators string (empty)
nntp_context number 1000
nntp_listgroup boolean yes
nntp_load_description boolean yes
nntp_pass string (empty)
nntp_poll number 60
nntp_user string (empty)
post_moderated quad ask-yes
save_unsubscribed boolean no
show_new_news boolean yes
show_only_unread boolean no
x_comment_to boolean no

4. Functions

NNTP adds the following functions to NeoMutt. By default, none of them are bound to keys.

Table 29.2. NNTP Functions

Menus Function Description
browser,index <catchup> mark all articles in newsgroup as read
index,pager <change-newsgroup> open a different newsgroup
compose <edit-followup-to> edit the Followup-To field
compose <edit-newsgroups> edit the newsgroups list
compose <edit-x-comment-to> edit the X-Comment-To field
attach,index,pager <followup-message> followup to newsgroup
index,pager <post-message> post message to newsgroup
browser <reload-active> load list of all newsgroups from NNTP server
browser <subscribe> subscribe to current mbox (IMAP/NNTP only)
browser <subscribe-pattern> subscribe to newsgroups matching a pattern
browser <uncatchup> mark all articles in newsgroup as unread
browser <unsubscribe> unsubscribe from current mbox (IMAP/NNTP only)
browser <unsubscribe-pattern> unsubscribe from newsgroups matching a pattern
index,pager <change-newsgroup-readonly> open a different newsgroup in read only mode
attach,index,pager <forward-to-group> forward to newsgroup
index <get-children> get all children of the current message
index <get-parent> get parent of the current message
index <reconstruct-thread> reconstruct thread containing current message
index <get-message> get message with Message-Id

5. neomuttrc

# Example NeoMutt config file for the nntp feature.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# VARIABLES – shown with their default values
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
set ask_followup_to = no
set ask_x_comment_to = no
set catchup_newsgroup = ask-yes
set followup_to_poster = ask-yes
set group_index_format = '%4C %M%N %5s  %-45.45f %d'
set inews = ''
set newsgroups_charset = utf-8
set newsrc = '~/.newsrc'
set news_cache_dir = '~/.neomutt'
set news_server = ''
set nntp_authenticators = ''
set nntp_context = 1000
set nntp_listgroup = yes
set nntp_load_description = yes
set nntp_pass = ''
set nntp_poll = 60
set nntp_user = ''
set post_moderated = ask-yes
set save_unsubscribed = no
set show_new_news = yes
set show_only_unread = no
set x_comment_to = no
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FUNCTIONS – shown with an example mapping
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# mark all articles in newsgroup as read
bind browser,index y catchup
# open a different newsgroup
bind index,pager i change-newsgroup
# edit the Followup-To field
bind compose o edit-followup-to
# edit the newsgroups list
bind compose N edit-newsgroups
# edit the X-Comment-To field
bind compose x edit-x-comment-to
# followup to newsgroup
bind attach,index,pager F followup-message
# post message to newsgroup
bind index,pager P post-message
# load list of all newsgroups from NNTP server
bind browser g reload-active
# subscribe to current mbox (IMAP/NNTP only)
bind browser s subscribe
# subscribe to newsgroups matching a pattern
bind browser S subscribe-pattern
# mark all articles in newsgroup as unread
bind browser Y uncatchup
# unsubscribe from current mbox (IMAP/NNTP only)
bind browser u unsubscribe
# unsubscribe from newsgroups matching a pattern
bind browser U unsubscribe-pattern
# open a different newsgroup in read only mode
bind index,pager \ei change-newsgroup-readonly
# forward to newsgroup
bind attach,index,pager \eF forward-to-group
# get all children of the current message
# bind index ??? get-children
# get parent of the current message
bind index \eG get-parent
# reconstruct thread containing current message
# bind index ??? reconstruct-thread
# get message with Message-Id
bind index \CG get-message
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# vim: syntax=neomuttrc

6. Known Bugs


7. Credits

Vsevolod Volkov, Felix von Leitner, Richard Russon

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