►Address | Email Address Handling |
►Email address | Representation of an email address |
►Config type: Email address | Config type representing an email address |
►Address groups | Handling for email address groups |
►International domain names | Handling of international domain names |
►Alias | Email Aliases (Address Book) |
►Alias for an email address | Representation of a single alias to an email address |
►Array of Alias Views | Array of Alias Views |
►Alias commands | Alias commands |
►Alias Auto-Completion | Alias Auto-Completion |
►Alias Config | Config used by libalias |
►Address Book Dialog | The Address Book Dialog allows the user to select, add or delete aliases |
►Address Query Dialog | The Address Query Dialog will show aliases from an external query |
►Alias Expando definitions | Alias Expando definitions |
►Alias functions | Alias functions |
►Shared code for alias dialogs | Shared code for the Alias and Query Dialogs |
►Reverse Alias lookups | Manage alias reverse lookups |
►Alias sorting | Address book sorting functions |
►Attachments | Attachment handling |
►Email attachments | Handling of email attachments |
►Attachment commands | Handle the attachments command |
►Attachment Content-ID header functions | Attachment Content-ID header functions |
►Attachment Selection Dialog | The Attachment Selection Dialog lets the user select an email attachment |
►Attach Expando definitions | Attach Expando definitions |
►Attachment functions | Attachment functions |
►Attachment library | Attachment helper functions |
►Shared attachments functions | Handling of email attachments |
►Private state data for Attachments | Private state data for Attachments |
►Attachment functions | Attachment code |
►Autocrypt | End-to-end encryption |
►Autocrypt shared code | Autocrypt end-to-end encryption |
►Private Autocrypt Data | Private Autocrypt Data |
►Autocrypt Config | Config used by libautocrypt |
►Autocrypt database handling | Autocrypt database handling |
►Autocrypt account dialog | The Autocrypt Account Dialog lets the user set up or update an Autocrypt Account |
►Autocrypt Expando definitions | Autocrypt Expando definitions |
►Autocrypt functions | Autocrypt functions |
►Autocrypt GPGME handler | Autocrypt GPGME handler |
►Autocrypt database schema | Autocrypt database schema |
►Body (Message) Cache | Body Caching (Local copies of email bodies) |
►Body Cache functions | Body Caching (Local copies of email bodies) |
►Mailbox Browser | Select a Mailbox from a list |
►Browser Auto-Completion | Browser Auto-Completion |
►Config used by libbrowser | Config used by libbrowser |
►File/Mailbox Browser Dialog | The File/Mailbox Browser Dialog lets the user select from a list of files or mailboxes |
►Browser Expando definitions | Browser Expando definitions |
►Browser functions | Browser functions |
►Private data for the Browser | Private state data for the Browser |
►Browser sorting | Browser sorting |
►Parse the Command Line | |
Parse the Command Line | Parse the Command Line |
Parse objects | Parse objects |
►Color | Colour handling code |
►ANSI Colours | Handle ANSI Colours used in the Pager |
►Colour and attributes | The colour and attributes of a graphical object are represented by an AttrColor |
►Color and attribute parsing | Color and attribute parsing |
►Parse colour commands | Parse NeoMutt 'color', 'uncolor', 'mono' and 'unmono' commands |
►Curses Colour | A wrapper that represents a colour in Curses |
►Colour Debugging | Lots of debugging of the colour code, conditional on ' |
►Colour Dump Command | Colour Dump Command |
►Merged colours | When multiple graphical objects meet, it's often necessary to merge their colours |
►Colour notifications | Manage the notifications of Colour changes |
►Parse ANSI Sequences | Parse ANSI Sequences |
►Parse colours | |
►Quoted style | Quoted style |
►Quoted-Email colours | Manage the colours of quoted emails |
►Regex Colour | A set of regexes and colours that should be applied to a graphical object, e.g Body of an Email |
►Simple colour | Manage the colours of the 'simple' graphical objects – those that can only have one colour, plus attributes |
►Auto-completion | Auto-complete a string |
►String auto-completion routines | String auto-completion routines |
►String auto-completion data | String auto-completion data |
►Auto-completion helpers | Auto-completion helpers |
►Compressed Mailbox | Compressed mbox local mailbox type |
►Compressed mailbox functions | Compressed mbox local mailbox type |
►Compress Expando definitions | Compress Expando definitions |
►Compose an Email | Compose an email |
►Attachments window | The Compose Attachments Window displays the attachments of an email |
►Attachment Data | Compose Attach Data |
►Compose Bar (status) | The Compose Bar Window displays status info about the email |
►Compose Bar Data | Compose Bar Data |
►Config used by Compose | Config used by libcompose |
►Compose Email Dialog | The Compose Email Dialog lets the user edit the fields before sending an email |
►Alias Expando definitions | Alias Expando definitions |
►Compose functions | Compose functions |
►Message Preview Window | The Message Preview Window displays a preview of the email body |
►Compose Shared Data | Compose Shared Data |
►Compression functions | Data compression |
►Shared compression code | Shared compression code |
►LZ4 compression | LZ4 compression |
►ZLIB compression | ZLIB compression |
►Zstandard (zstd) compression | Zstandard (zstd) compression |
►Config | User configurable variables |
►Type: Boolean | Config type representing a boolean |
►Validate charset | Validate the "charset" config variables |
►Dump all the config | Dump all the config items in various formats |
►Type: Enumeration | Config type representing an enumeration |
►Helper functions to get config values | Helper functions to get config values |
►Type: Long | Config type representing a long |
►Type: Multi-byte character table | Config type representing a multibyte character table |
►Type: MyVar | Config type representing a user-defined variable "my_var" |
►Type: Number | Config type representing a number |
►Type: Path | Config type representing a path |
►Type: Quad-option | Config type representing a quad-option |
►Type: Regular expression | Config type representing a regular expression |
►Config Set | A collection of config items |
►Type: List of strings | Config type representing a list of strings |
►Type: Sorting | Config type representing a sort option |
►Type: String | Config type representing a string |
►Subset of config items | Subset of config items |
►Network connections | Network connections and their encryption |
►Connection Credentials External Command | Connection Credentials External Command |
►Config used by libconn | Config used by libconn |
►Connection Credentials | Connection Credentials |
►Certificate Verification Dialog | The Certificate Verification Dialog lets the user check the details of a certificate |
►DNS lookups | DNS lookups |
►GnuTLS encryption | Handling of GnuTLS encryption |
►GNU SASL authentication support | GNU SASL authentication support |
►ConnAccount object used by POP and IMAP | ConnAccount object used by POP and IMAP |
►OpenSSL encryption | Handling of OpenSSL encryption |
►Low-level socket code | Low-level socket handling |
►SASL authentication | SASL can stack a protection layer on top of an existing connection |
►SASL plain authentication | SASL plain authentication support |
►Low-level socket handling | Low-level socket handling |
►Network tunnelling | Support for network tunnelling |
►Zlib compression of network traffic | Zlib compression of network traffic |
►File Charset Conversion | Convert files between different character encodings |
►Content Info Extraction | Extracting content info from email body |
►File Charset Conversion | Converting files between charsets |
►Core NeoMutt objects | Backbone objects of NeoMutt |
►Account object | A group of associated Mailboxes |
►NeoMutt Commands | NeoMutt Commands |
►Cache of config variables | Cache of config variables |
►Dispatcher of functions | Dispatcher of functions |
►Mailbox object | Representation of a Mailbox |
►Local email | A local copy of an email |
►NeoMutt object | Container for Accounts, Notifications |
►Create Temporary Files | Create Temporary Files |
►Debug Code | Debugging code |
Code backtrace | Code backtrace |
Shared debug code | Shared debug code |
Dump an Email | Dump an Email |
GraphViz dot file | Create a GraphViz dot file from the NeoMutt objects |
Dump keybindings | Dump keybindings |
Log everything to the terminal | Log everything to the terminal |
Debug names | Debug names |
Dump all notifications | Dump all notifications |
Pager Debugging | Pager Debugging |
Dump the Windows | Dump the details of the nested Windows |
►Edit a string | Edit a string |
►Enter buffer | Enter buffer |
►Editor functions | Editor functions |
►State of text entry | State of text entry |
►GUI ask the user to enter a string | GUI ask the user to enter a string |
►Email code | Structs that make up an email |
►Body of an Email | Representation of the body of an email |
►Config used by the Email library | Config used by the Email library |
►Email object | Representation of an email |
►Envelope (Email header) | Representation of an email header (envelope) |
►Who is the email from? | Determine who the email is from |
Global Variables | These global variables are private to the email library |
►Data for MIME encoding | Constants and macros for managing MIME encoding |
►Attributes for a MIME part | Store attributes associated with a MIME part |
►Email parsing code | Miscellaneous email parsing routines |
►RFC2047 encoding / decoding | RFC2047 MIME extensions encoding / decoding routines |
►RFC2231 MIME Charset functions | RFC2231 MIME Charset routines |
►Email sorting methods | Email sorting methods |
►Email tags | Driver based email tags |
►Email threading | Create/manipulate threading in emails |
►Parse URL schemes | Parse and identify different URL schemes |
►Envelope-editing Window | Envelope-editing Window |
►Envelope functions | Envelope functions |
►Envelope Window Data | Envelope Window Data |
►Envelope Window | The Envelope Window displays the header fields of an email |
►Parse Expando string | Parse Expando string |
Type: Expando | Config type representing an Expando |
Parsed Expando | This represents a fully-parsed Expando Format String |
Expando filtering | Filter the rendered Expando through an external command |
Simple string formatting | Simple string formatting |
Shared code | Shared code |
Basic Expando Node | This Node is the "base class" of all other Node types |
Condition Boolean Node | Expando Node for a Conditional Boolean |
Conditional Date Node | Expando Node for a Conditional Date |
Condition Node | Expando Node for a Condition |
Container Node | Expando Node for a Container |
Expando Node | Expando Node for an Expando |
Padding Node | Expando Node for Padding |
Text Node | Expando Node for Text |
Expando Parsing | Turn a format string into a tree of Expando Nodes |
Render Expandos using Data | The caller uses ExpandoRenderCallback to define a set of callback functions |
►Graphical code | Curses and Window code |
►Window drawing code | GUI miscellaneous curses (window drawing) routines |
►Dialog Windows | A Dialog is an interactive set of windows allowing the user to perform some task |
►Definitions of user functions | Definitions of user functions |
►Global functions | Global functions |
►Message Container | Message Container |
►Message Window | The Message Window is a one-line interactive window at the bottom of the screen |
►Message Window private data | Message Window private data |
►Wrapper around Curses | Wrapper functions around Curses |
►Window management | Window management |
►All user-callable functions | All user-callable functions |
►Window reflowing | Window reflowing |
►GUI handle the resizing of the screen | GUI handle the resizing of the screen |
►Root Window | NeoMutt is built from a set of nested windows |
►Simple Bar (status) | The Simple Bar is a simple non-interactive window to display a message or trivial status information |
►Simple Dialog | The Simple Dialog is an interactive set of windows containing a Menu and a status bar |
►Set the terminal title/icon | Set the terminal title/icon |
►Email Header Cache | Cache of Email headers |
►Config used by Header Cache | Config used by libhcache |
►Header cache multiplexor | This module implements the gateway between the user visible part of the header cache API and the backend specific API |
►Email-object serialiser | Email-object serialiser |
►Help bar | Help line showing key bindings |
►Help Bar Window | The Help Bar is a non-interactive window that displays some helpful key bindings for the current screen |
►Config used by Help Bar | Config used by Help Bar |
►Data for the Help Bar | HelpbarWindowData stores the state of the Help Bar |
►History | Read/write command history from/to a file |
►Config used by the history | Config used by libhistory |
►History Selection Dialog | The History Selection Dialog lets the user choose a string from the history, e.g |
►History Expando definitions | History Expando definitions |
►History functions | History functions |
►History file handling | Read/write command history from/to a file |
►Imap Mailbox | IMAP network mailbox |
►Account data | Imap-specific Account data |
►Authenticator multiplexor | IMAP authenticator multiplexor |
►Anonymous authentication | IMAP anonymous authentication method |
►CRAM-MD5 authentication | IMAP CRAM-MD5 authentication method |
►GNU SASL authentication | IMAP GNU SASL authentication method |
►GSS authentication | IMAP GSS authentication method |
►Login authentication | IMAP login authentication method |
►OAUTH authentication | IMAP OAUTH authentication method |
►Plain authentication | IMAP plain authentication method |
►SASL authentication | IMAP SASL authentication method |
►Mailbox browser | GUI select an IMAP mailbox from a list |
►Send/receive commands | Send/receive commands to/from an IMAP server |
►Config used by IMAP | Config used by libimap |
►Imap-specific Email data | Imap-specific Email data |
►IMAP network mailbox | Support for IMAP4rev1, with the occasional nod to IMAP 4 |
►Imap-specific Mailbox data | Imap-specific Mailbox data |
►IMAP messages | Manage IMAP messages |
►IMAP Message Sets | Manage IMAP message sets: Lists of Email UIDs, ordered and compressed |
►MSN helper functions | IMAP MSN helper functions |
►Search routines | IMAP search routines |
►UTF-7 Manipulation | Convert strings to/from utf7/utf8 |
►IMAP helper functions | IMAP helper functions |
►Index | Display a list of Emails |
►Config used by the Index | Config used by libindex |
►Index Dialog | The Index Dialog is the main screen within NeoMutt |
►String processing routines to generate the mail index | String processing routines to generate the mail index |
►GUI display a user-configurable status line | GUI display a user-configurable status line |
►Index functions | Index functions |
►Index Bar (status) | The Index Bar Window displays status info about the email list |
►Index Window | The Index Window displays a list of emails to the user |
►Index Panel | The Index Panel is a non-interactive container around the email list and a status bar |
►Private data for the Index | Private state data for the Index |
►Shared data | Data shared between Index, Pager and Sidebar |
►GUI display a user-configurable status line | GUI display a user-configurable status line |
►Key mappings | Manage keymappings |
►Dump key bindings | Dump key bindings |
►Get a key from the user | Get a key from the user |
►Set up the key bindings | Set up the key bindings |
►Key helper functions | Key helper functions |
►Parse key bindings | Parse key bindings |
►Maildir Mailbox | Maildir local mailbox type |
►Maildir Account | Maildir Account |
►Config used by Maildir | Config used by libmaildir |
►Maildir-specific Email data | Maildir-specific Email data |
►Maildir Header Cache | Maildir Header Cache |
►Maildir Mailbox | Maildir Mailbox |
►Maildir local mailbox type | Maildir local mailbox type |
►Maildir-specific Mailbox data | Maildir-specific Mailbox data |
►Maildir Email helper | Maildir Email helper |
►Maildir Message | Maildir Message |
►Maildir Path handling | Maildir Path handling |
►Maildir shared functions | Maildir shared functions |
►Mbox | Mbox local mailbox type |
►Config used by libmbox | Config used by libmbox |
►Mbox local mailbox type | Mbox local mailbox type |
►Menu | A selectable list |
►Config used by libmenu | Config used by libmenu |
►Paint the Menu | Paint the Menu |
►Menu functions | Menu functions |
►GUI present the user with a selectable list | GUI present the user with a selectable list |
►Change the Menu's position/selection | There are two types of movement function: |
►Menu notification observers | Menu notification observers |
►Tagging support | Tagging support |
►Menu types | Menu types |
►Window wrapper around a Menu | The Menu Window is an interactive window that allows a user to work with a list of items |
►Mh Mailbox | Mh local mailbox type |
►Config used by Mh | Config used by libmh |
►Mh-specific Mailbox data | Mh-specific Mailbox data |
►MH local mailbox type | MH local mailbox type |
►Mh Email helper | Mh Email helper |
►MH Mailbox Sequences | MH Mailbox Sequences |
►MH shared functions | MH shared functions |
►Mutt | Shared code for handling strings, files, dates, etc |
►Linear array API | API to store contiguous elements |
►Parse a number in a string | Parse a number in a string |
►Conversion to/from base64 encoding | Convert between binary data and base64 text, according to RFC2045 |
►Helper object for storing and parsing strings | The Buffer object make parsing and manipulating strings easier |
►Conversion between different character encodings | Conversion between different character encodings |
►Time and date handling routines | Some commonly used time and date functions |
►Private copy of the environment variables | Private copy of the environment variables |
Case-insensitive fixed-chunk comparisons | These functions are much faster for short strings than calling mutt_istr_equal(), and are not affected by locale in any way |
►Leave the program NOW | The default behaviour on a critical error is to notify the user, then stop |
►File management functions | Commonly used file/dir management routines |
►Pass files through external commands (filters) | Pass files through external commands (filters) |
►Hash Table data structure | Hash Table data structure |
►Singly-linked list type | Singly-linked list of strings |
►Logging Dispatcher | Logging Dispatcher |
►Map between a string and a constant | Map a string to a constant and vice versa |
►Multi-byte String manipulation functions | Some commonly-used multi-byte string manipulation routines |
►Calculate the MD5 checksum of a buffer | Calculate the MD5 cryptographic hash of a string, according to RFC1321 |
►Memory management wrappers | "Safe" memory management routines |
►Notification API | Notification API |
►Path manipulation functions | Path manipulation functions |
►A global pool of Buffers | A shared pool of Buffers to save lots of allocs/frees |
►Manage precompiled / predefined regular expressions | Manage precompiled / predefined regular expressions |
►Context-free sorting function | Context-free sorting function |
►Random number/string functions | Random number/string functions |
►Manage regular expressions | Manage regular expressions |
►Signal handling | Signal handling |
►A separated list of strings | A separated list of strings |
►Keep track when processing files | Keep track when processing files |
►String manipulation functions | Lots of commonly-used string manipulation routines |
►Ncrypt | Encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify emails |
►Config used by libncrypt | Config used by libncrypt |
►Signing/encryption multiplexor | Signing/encryption multiplexor |
►Wrapper for PGP/SMIME calls to GPGME | Wrapper for PGP/SMIME calls to GPGME |
►Register crypto modules | Register crypto modules |
►Wrappers for calls to CLI PGP | Wrappers for calls to CLI PGP |
►Wrappers for calls to GPGME PGP | Wrappers for calls to GPGME PGP |
►Wrappers for calls to CLI SMIME | Wrappers for calls to CLI SMIME |
►Wrappers for calls to GPGME SMIME | Wrappers for calls to GPGME SMIME |
►Wrapper around crypto functions | This file dispatches the generic crypto functions to the implemented backend or provides dummy stubs |
►GPGME Key Selection Dialog | The GPGME Key Selection Dialog lets the user select a PGP key |
►PGP Key Selection Dialog | The PGP Key Selection Dialog lets the user select a PGP key |
►SMIME Key Selection Dialog | The SMIME Key Selection Dialog lets the user select a SMIME key |
►Ncrypt Expando definitions | Ncrypt Expando definitions |
►Ncrypt Expando definitions | Ncrypt Expando definitions |
►Ncrypt Expando definitions | Ncrypt Expando definitions |
►Ncrypt Expando definitions | Ncrypt Expando definitions |
►PGP/Smime functions | PGP/Smime functions |
►Parse the output of CLI PGP program | Parse the output of CLI PGP program |
►Gpgme functions | Gpgme functions |
►PGP sign, encrypt, check routines | Code to sign, encrypt, verify and decrypt PGP messages |
►Pgp functions | Pgp functions |
►Wrapper around calls to external PGP program | This file contains the new pgp invocation code |
►PGP key management routines | PGP key management routines |
►Misc PGP helper routines | Misc PGP helper routines |
►Identify the hash algorithm from a PGP signature | Identify the Message Integrity Check algorithm (micalg) from a PGP signature |
►Parse PGP data packets | Parse PGP data packets |
►SMIME helper routines | SMIME helper routines |
►Smime functions | Smime functions |
►GPGME Key Sorting | GPGME Key Sorting |
►PGP Key Sorting | PGP Key Sorting |
►Nntp | Usenet network mailbox type; talk to an NNTP server |
►Nntp-specific Account data | Nntp-specific Account data |
►Auto-complete NNTP newsgroups | Auto-complete NNTP newsgroups |
►Config used by libnntp | Config used by libnntp |
►Nntp-specific Email data | Nntp-specific Email data |
►Browse NNTP groups | Browse NNTP groups |
►Browse NNTP groups | Browse NNTP groups |
►Nntp-specific Mailbox data | Nntp-specific Mailbox data |
►Read/write a file of subscribed newsgroups | Read/parse/write an NNTP config file of subscribed newsgroups |
►Talk to an NNTP server | Usenet network mailbox type; talk to an NNTP server |
►Notmuch | Notmuch virtual mailbox type |
►Notmuch-specific Account data | Notmuch-specific Account data |
►Notmuch Auto-Completion | Notmuch Auto-Completion |
►Config used by libnotmuch | Config used by libnotmuch |
►Notmuch database handling | Notmuch database handling |
►Notmuch-specific Email data | Notmuch-specific Email data |
►Notmuch-specific Mailbox data | Notmuch-specific Mailbox data |
►Notmuch virtual mailbox type | Notmuch virtual mailbox type |
►Notmuch query functions | Notmuch query functions |
►Notmuch tag functions | Notmuch tag functions |
►Pager | Display contents of an email or help |
►Config used by libpager | Config used by libpager |
►Pager Display | Parse and Display pager data |
►Pager Dialog | The Pager Dialog displays some text to the user that can be paged through |
►Simple Pager Dialog | The Simple Pager Dialog displays text to the user that can be paged |
►Pager functions | Pager functions |
►Process a message for display in the pager | Process a message for display in the pager |
►Pager Window | The Pager Window displays an email to the user |
►Pager Bar | The Pager Bar Window displays status info about the email |
►Pager Panel | The Pager Panel is a non-interactive container around the email list and a status bar |
►Private state data for the Pager | Private state data for the Pager |
►Text parsing functions | |
►Text parser | Text parser |
►Parse lines from a config file | Parse lines from a runtime configuration (rc) file |
►Parse the 'set' command | Parse the 'set' command |
►Pattern | Match patterns to emails |
►Compile a Pattern | Compile a Pattern |
►Pattern Auto-Completion | Pattern Auto-Completion |
►Config used by libpattern | Config used by libpattern |
►Pattern Selection Dialog | The Pattern Selection Dialog lets the user select a pattern |
►Execute a Pattern | Execute a Pattern |
►Pattern Expando definitions | Pattern Expando definitions |
►Pattern definitions | Pattern definitions |
►Pattern functions | Pattern functions |
►Pattern handling for messages | Pattern handling for messages |
►Match patterns to emails | Match patterns to emails |
►Private Pattern Data | Private Pattern Data |
►Holds state of a search | Holds state of a search |
►Pop | POP network mailbox |
►Pop-specific Account data | Pop-specific Account data |
►POP authentication | POP authentication |
►Config used by libpop | Config used by libpop |
►Pop-specific Email data | Pop-specific Email data |
►POP helper routines | POP helper routines |
►POP network mailbox | POP network mailbox |
►Postponed Emails | Postponed Emails |
►Postponed Email Selection Dialog | The Postponed Email Selection Dialog lets the user set a postponed (draft) email |
►Postponed Emails Functions | Postponed Emails Functions |
►Postponed Email | Functions to deal with Postponed Emails |
►Progress Bar | Display a colourful Progress Bar with text |
►Config used by the Progress Bar | Config used by the Progress Bar |
►Progress Bar | This is a wrapper around the Progress Bar Window |
►Progress Bar Window Data | Progress Bar Window Data |
►Progress Bar Window | Progress Bar Window |
►Question | Ask the user a question |
►Ask the user a question | Ask the user a question |
►Send | Shared code for sending Emails |
►Write a MIME Email to a file | Write a MIME Email Body to a file |
►Config used by libsend | Config used by libsend |
►Greeting Expando definitions | Greeting Expando definitions |
►Write a MIME Email Header to a file | Write a MIME Email Header to a file |
►Manipulate multipart Emails | Manipulate multipart Emails |
►Prepare and send an email | Prepare and send an email |
►Miscellaneous functions for sending an email | Miscellaneous functions for sending an email |
►Send email using sendmail | Send email using sendmail |
►Send email to an SMTP server | Send email to an SMTP server |
►Sidebar | Display the mailboxes in a side panel |
►Sidebar commands | Sidebar commands |
►Config used by libsidebar | Config used by libsidebar |
►Sidebar Expando definitions | Sidebar Expando definitions |
►Sidebar functions | Sidebar functions |
►Sidebar observers | Sidebar observers |
►GUI display the mailboxes in a side panel | GUI display the mailboxes in a side panel |
►Sidebar sort functions | Sidebar sort functions |
►Sidebar Window data | Sidebar Window data |
►Sidebar Window | The Sidebar Window is an interactive window that displays a list of mailboxes to the user |
►Store | Key value store |
►Shared store code | Shared store code |
►Berkeley DB (BDB) | Berkeley DB backend for the key/value Store |
►GNU dbm (GDBM) | GNU dbm backend for the key/value Store |
►Kyoto Cabinet | Kyoto Cabinet backend for the key/value Store |
►Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB) | Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB) backend for the key/value Store |
►Quick Database Manager (QDBM) | Quick Database Manager (QDBM) backend for the key/value Store |
►RocksDB | Use the RocksDB - A persistent key-value store for fast storage environments https://rocksdb.org/ |
►Tokyo Cabinet | Tokyo Cabinet backend for the key/value Store |
►Trivial DataBase (TDB) | Trivial DataBase (TDB) backend for the key/value Store |